The NEA Working Group on New Technology (WGNT) is organising a hybrid international workshop on 3–5 June 2025. The workshop will be hosted at the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission headquarters.
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and CIEMAT are co-organising the Seventh International Workshop on Structural Materials for Innovative Nuclear Systems (SMINS-7). The workshop will be held in Mad...
Members of the NEA joint project Thermodynamics of Advanced Fuels - International Database (TAF-ID) met on 23-25 October 2024.
The Expert Group on Innovative Structural Materials (EGISM) was created in 2008 under the auspices of the Nuclear Science Committee’s (NSC) Working Party on Scientific Issues of the Fuel Cycle (WPFC)...
More than 20 international experts gathered for the second meeting of the third phase of the TAF-ID project.
The Working Party on Multi-scale Modelling of Fuels and Structural Material for Nuclear Systems (WPMM) was established to deal with the scientific and engineering aspects of fuels and structural mate...
Under the guidance of the Nuclear Science Committee (NSC), the Working Party on Materials Science Issues in Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials (WPFM) addresses materials science aspects of nuclea...
Under the guidance of the Working Party on Materials Science Issues in Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials (WPFM), the Expert Group on Structural Materials (EGSM) focuses on materials science aspe...
In the ASCET Phase III, the goal was to assess and develop the Phase II (blind benchmark) recommendations using additional test results. The Phase III simulations were performed using a full set of t...