Under the guidance of the NEA Nuclear Science Committee (NSC), the Working Party on Scientific Issues and Uncertainty Analysis of Reactor Systems (WPRS) studies the reactor physics, fuel performanc...
The Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety (WPNCS) deals with technical and scientific issues relevant to criticality safety. Specific areas of interest include (but are not limited to) investig...
The Working Party on Scientific Issues of Advanced Fuel Cycles (WPFC) studies advanced nuclear fuel cycles, including fuel cycle scenarios, innovative fuels and materials, separation chemistry, waste...
The International School on Simulation of Nuclear Reactor Systems (SINUS) provides hybrid, hands-on-training encompassing multiphysics modelling and simulation (M&S) and associated validation, verifi...
The NEA held a one-day workshop for Radiation Transport Simulation Developers (RTS 2024).
SATIF community celebrated the 30th anniversary during the 16th SATIF workshop hosted on 28-31 May.
The NEA Nuclear Science Committee (NSC) mandated the Expert Group on Multi-Physics Experimental Data, Benchmarks and Validation (EGMPEBV) in 2014 to provide oversight of activities associated with th...
The NEA International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP) and International Reactor Physics Experiments Evaluation Project (IRPhEP) Technical Review Groups, and the Shielding Int...
Established to help fulfil the objectives of the Agency and the Nuclear Science Committee (NSC), the NSC Programme Review Group (PRG) formulates recommendations based on best practices to optimise ac...
Under the guidance of the Nuclear Science Committee (NSC), the Working Party on Scientific Issues and Uncertainty Analysis of Reactor Systems (WPRS) studies the reactor physics, fuel performance, an...