Ad Hoc Expert Group on Financing of Nuclear Power Plants (FNPP)
Ad Hoc Expert Group on Financing of Nuclear Power Plants (FNPP)
Barakah Nuclear Power Plant. Photo: Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC).
This expert group was set up to conduct a study, and the overall objective was to identify the key issues addressed by governments for facilitating the financing of nuclear power plants when nuclear energy was considered a relevant option for policy reasons, such as enhancing security of supply and/or alleviating the risk of global climate change.
The scope of the study covered a review of the obstacles to investments in new nuclear power plants and an analysis of governmental measures that may have alleviated those obstacles. The role of the industry was addressed, but emphasis was also placed on such public policy measures as guaranteeing a stable regulatory regime, the legal and regulatory frameworks for the back end of the fuel cycle and decommissioning, and recognition of the value of carbon emissions and security of electricity supply.
An ad hoc expert group had been set up in January 2008 to carry out the study.