The JEFF-3.1 library was released by the NEA in May 2005. JEFF-3.1 combines the efforts of the JEFF and EFF/EAF (European Fusion File/European Activation File) working groups who have contributed to this combined fission and fusion library. The neutron general purpose library contains incident neutron data for 381 materials from 1H to 255Fm. The activation library (based on the European Activation File, EAF-2003) contains 774 different targets from 1H to 257Fm. The radioactive decay data library contains data for 3 852 isotopes, of which 226 are stable.
The proton special purpose library contains incident proton data for 26 materials from 40Ca to 209Bi. The thermal scattering law library covers 9 materials, and the fission yield library covers 19 isotopes of neutron induced fission yield from 232Th to 245Cm and 3 isotopes with spontaneous fission yields (242Cm, 244Cm and 252Cf). The present report describes the content of this library.
Also available:
Appendix 1. Selection of data for the JEFF-3.1 general-purpose neutron data file
Appendix 2. Performance reports on the JEFF-3.1 general-purpose neutron data library
Appendix 3. List of definitions to the ENDF-6 file format for JEFF-3.1