Workshop Proceedings
21-23 March 2018, Paris, France
The WGEV “Riverine Flooding – Hazard Assessment and Protection of NPPs” task was designed to share regulatory practices and technical approaches for riverine flood hazard assessment (both deterministic and probabilistic) and for flood protection of NPPs. The first activity involved in this task was to survey CSNI members so that they could share information on such regulatory practices and technical approaches. The results of this survey are available in the “Technical Note on Riverine Flooding: Hazard Assessment and Protection of Nuclear Installations” (NEA, 2018). Following an initial assessment of the survey results, an international workshop was organised to involve relevant experts in identifying the activities required to address knowledge gaps. In this context, the international workshop on “Riverine Flooding: Hazard Assessment and Protection of Nuclear Installations” focused on current national regulatory approaches and operating experience, technical methods for the assessment of riverine flooding events, protection of nuclear installations against river floods and promotion of the effectiveness of preventative measures.
The workshop demonstrated that it is important for the nuclear and meteorological communities to work together to take advantage of methods, models, data and experiences in the understanding of flooding hazards and impacts to local, national and regional infrastructure. Additionally, co-operation among subject matter experts, including non-nuclear experts, will be key, as well as regional co-operation to share experience and data. The NEA will use insights gained from this workshop and the supporting survey, along with insights from other activities, to identify potential future work that will address the areas recommended for follow-up.