Technical Review Group for the International Assay Data of Spent Nuclear Fuel Database (TRG SFCOMPO)
Technical Review Group for the International Assay Data of Spent Nuclear Fuel Database (TRG SFCOMPO)
Under the direction of the Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety (WPNCS), the Technical Review Group (TRG) for the International Assay Data of Spent Nuclear Fuel Database (SFCOMPO) conducts activities in the following main areas:
- Preservation of data: One of the main objectives of the TRG is to ensure the preservation of existing assay data and to continuously capture new data as it becomes available. It is important to capture and document both the operator’s and experimentalist’s knowledge of the conditions under which the samples and measurements were obtained, while such information is still available.
- Accessibility of data: Experimental data are made accessible to users in a standardised format through the SFCOMPO database. As improvements are identified by the TRG, the database and its interface tools will be adapted accordingly.
- Evaluation of assay data: This significant and challenging objective seeks complete documentation of data sets, including all relevant design and reactor operating data, as well as an independent, peer-reviewed assessment of these data. This review process is intended to vet the data for potential errors and produce qualified data suitable for use in code validation.
- Knowledge transfer: Guidance for the evaluation of isotopic assay data will be developed by the TRG. Similar guidelines have already been established for the qualification of benchmark data by the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP) for criticality experiments, and by the International Evaluated Reactor Physics Experiments Evaluation Project (IRPhE) for reactor physics benchmarks.
In more details, the TRG is responsible for:
- reviewing the available measurements of isotopic composition of spent nuclear fuel, especially in OECD member countries.
- collecting new isotopic composition measurement data, their associated operating history data and any data relevant for the modelling of the measured samples, and
- preparing corresponding SFCOMPO entries,
- providing an analysis of the SFCOMPO database in order to assess the current situation and the need for new experimental data.