Halden Hammlab research facility for human factor research.
The NEA Halden HTO Project is a continuation of Man-Technology-Organisation (MTO) research carried out for more than 40 years as part of the OECD Halden Reactor Project (HRP). The first period of the Halden HTO Project was 2021-2023. The 2024-2026 Halden HTO goal is advancing in the Human-Technology Organisation (HTO) field by working on aspects of human performance, reliability and organisation in various stages of the plant life, including design, modernisation, operation, especially during accident situations, as well as decommissioning. This programme also includes research on SMRs with the prism of human and organisational performance.
The 2024-2026 project’s research programme consists of seven topics of prioritised Human Factors and Digital Systems Research for Existing and New Reactors including SMRs. The research topics have been selected based on trends in the industry, the needs expressed by the Halden Board of Management, advice and recommendations given in HTO meetings and in direct discussions with Project members. The HTO research programme is focused on areas such as human-automation collaboration, control room design and evaluation, digital systems for operation and maintenance, sustainable decommissioning, as well as cyber security for main control rooms.
Topic 1 on Human Performance addresses four thematic areas:
Topic 2 on Digital I&C – Safety Assurance addresses three thematic areas:
Topic 3 on Control Room Eesign and Evaluation addresses five thematic areas:
Topic 4 on Human-Automation Collaboration and Multi-Unit Operation addresses five thematic areas:
Topic 5 on Digital Systems for Operation and Maintenance addresses three thematic areas:
Topic 6 on Sustainable Decommissioning and Asset Lifecycle Management addresses two thematic areas:
Topic 7 on Cybersecurity for Main Control Rooms addresses three thematic areas:
12 participating countries and 20 organisations, with 48 approved third parties, participate in this initiative. The total project budget is EUR 14.58 million. This project is financially managed by the NEA, with the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) acting as Operating Agent.
For the 2021-2023 period, 72 reports were issued and HTO staff members presented 57 papers at international conferences, and 23 journal articles and book chapters were printed in the same period. Data collections were done in various ways in different topics of the programme. A main data source though is licensed crews working in the simulator laboratory HAMMLAB, the Halden human-Machine LABoratory. There was one crew in 2022 and seven crews in 2023 participating in studies. In addition, data at training simulators at nuclear power plants with three crews were collected.
A report summarising the accomplishments of the Halden HTO research programme during 2021-2023 and addressing the most important achievements of the programme was approved by the CSNI in June 2024.
The Halden HTO work programme progressed well in 2024. Some projects continued from 2023, while others were in a start-up phase. The highlights include:
Canada, China, Czechia, Germany, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States
Current mandate: January 2024 - December 2026
EUR 14.58 million