Radiation shielding and dosimetry experiments database
Objective: Validation and Benchmarking of Computer
Codes and Nuclear Data used for Radiation Transport and Shielding
Problems Preservation of a unique set of experiments for the needs of
today and tomorrow.
Co-ordinators: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and
Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC)
SINBAD report
Status: November 2019
- AGH-UST University of Science and Technology, Krakow (AGH-UST)
- AEA Technology (AEAT)
- Austrian Research Centre Seibersdorf (ARCS)
- CERN, Switzerland
- Comissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
- EC Joint Research Centre (ISPRA)
- Ente per le Nuove Technologie, L'Energia e l'Ambiente (ENEA)
- Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK)
- Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V. (FZR)
- Gidropress, Podolsk, Russian Federation
- Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT)
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
- Institute of Nuclear Techniques, Technical University of Budapest (TUB)
- Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Japan
- Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE), Obninsk
- Interfaculty Reactor Institute (IRI, now RID), Delft University of Technology
- Japan Atomic Energy Institute (JAEA)
- Jozef Stefan Institute (IJS)
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
- Moscow Engineering-Physics Institute (MEPhI)
- Michigan State University (MSU)
- National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) of Japan
- National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg (NIST)
- United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
- NRI Rez, Czech Republic
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
- Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)
- Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering (RDIPE), Moscow
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL)
- Russian Federal Nuclear Center-VNIITF (RFNC)
- RRC "Kurchatov Institute"(RRC KI), Moscow
- Research Centre Mol (SCK-CEN)
- Sandia National Laboratory (SNL)
- Scientific and Engineering Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS) of GOSATOMNADZOR
- Skoda, Plzen, Czech Republic
- Technische Universitaet Dresden (TUD)
- Tohoku University
- University of Illinois
- University of Osaka
- University of Pavia
- University of Tokyo
Sorted by:
[ dir. name ] [ shielding ]
[ material ] [ laboratory ]
[ year ]
SINBAD INDEX – Sorted by Shielding
Reactor Shielding (47)
Winfrith Iron Benchmark (ASPIS)
Winfrith Iron 88 Benchmark (ASPIS)
Winfrith Graphite Benchmark (ASPIS)
Winfrith Water/Iron Benchmark (ASPIS-PCA REPLICA)
Winfrith Water Benchmark
Winfrith Neutron-Gamma Ray Transport through Water/Steel Arrays (ASPIS)
NESDIP-2 Benchmark (ASPIS)
NESDIP-3 Benchmark (ASPIS)
JANUS Phase I (Neutron Transport Through Mild and Stainless Steel)
JANUS Phase VIII (Neutron Transport Through Sodium and Mild Steel)
Ispra Sodium Benchmark (EURACOS)
Ispra Iron Benchmark (EURACOS)
Cadarache Sodium (HARMONIE)
Karlsruhe Iron Sphere
Wuerenlingen Iron Benchmark (PROTEUS)
Neutron Leakage from Water Spheres (NIST)
Streaming Through Ducts (IRI-TUB)
Gamma-ray Production Cross Sections from Thermal Neutron Capture in 14 elements and SS
Averaged Gamma-ray Production Cross Sections from Fast Neutron Capture in 14 ele. & SS
JASPER Advanced Reactor Axial Shield Measurements
JASPER Advanced Reactor Intermediate Heat Exchanger Measurements
JASPER Advanced Reactor Radial Shield Measurements
ORNL TSF Iron Broomstick
ORNL TSF Oxygen Broomstick
ORNL TSF Nitrogen Broomstick
ORNL TSF Sodium Broomstick
ORNL TSF Stainless Steel Broomstick
ORNL Neutron Transport Through Iron and SS - Part I
ORNL Neutron Transport in Thick Sodium
Pool Critical Assembly-Pressure Vessel Facility Benchmark
University of Illinois Iron Sphere (CF-252)
University of Tokyo-YAYOI Iron Slab
Radiation field parameters for pressure vessel monitoring in NRI LR-0 VVER-440 reactor
Radiation field parameters for pressure vessel monitoring in NRI LR-0 VVER-1000 reactor
Balakovo-3 VVER-1000 Ex-vessel Neutron Dosimetry Benchmark
VENUS-3 LWR-PVS Benchmark
H.B. Robinson-2 Pressure Vessel
Photon Leakage Spectra from Al, Ti, Fe, Cu, Zr, Pb, U238 Spheres
Photon Spectra from H2O, SiO2 and NaCl
IPPE Th shell with 14 MeV and Cf-252 source neutrons
Baikal-1 Skyshine Benchmark Experiment
NAÏADE 1 Graphite Benchmark (60cm) and NAÏADE 1 Iron Benchmark (60cm)
NAÏADE 1 Light Water Benchmark (60cm)
NAÏADE 1 Concrete Benchmark (60cm)
IPPE neutron transmission through bismuth shell
Photon Skyshine Experiment Benchmark
Polyethylene Reflected Plutonium Metal Sphere: Subcritical Neutron and Gamma Measurements (~1987)
Fusion Neutronics Shielding (31)
Nickel Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
Iron Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
Aluminium Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
Silicon Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
Tungsten Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
Manganese Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
FNS Experimental data for fusion neutronics benchmark
FNS Integral Experiment on Graphite Cylindrical Assembly
FNS Liquid Oxygen
FNS Vanadium Cube
FNS Tungsten
FNS Skyshine
FNS Dogleg Duct Streaming
FNG-SS Shield (integral)
FNG-ITER Blanket Bulk Shield (integral)
FNG/TUD ITER Blanket Bulk Shield (spectra measurements)
FNG-ITER Neutron Streaming (integral)
FNG-ITER Dose Rate Experiment
FNG Silicon Carbide (integral)
FNG/TUD Silicon Carbide (spectra measurements)
FNG Tungsten (integral)
FNG HCPB Tritium Breeder Module (integral measurements)
FNG/TUD Tungsten (spectra measurements)
TUD Iron Slab Experiment
IPPE Vanadium Shells
IPPE Iron Shells
ORNL 14-MeV Neutron SS/Borated Poly Slab
University of Illinois Iron Sphere (D-T)
KANT Spherical Beryllium Shells
MEPhI empty slits streaming experiment
Juelich Li Metal Blanket Experiment
Accelerator Shielding (23)
Transmission Through Shielding Materials of Neutrons and Photons Generated by 52 MeV Protons
Transmission Through Shielding Materials of Neutrons and Photons Generated by 65 MeV Protons
Transmission of Medium Energy Neutrons Through Concrete Shields (AVF Cyclotron)
Neutron Production from Thick Targets of Carbon, Iron, Copper, and Lead by 30- and 52-MeV Protons
TIARA 40 and 65 MeV Neutron Transmission Through Iron, Concrete and Polyethylene
Radioactivity induced by GeV-Protons and Spallation Neutrons using AGS accelerator
Intermediate and High-Energy Accelerator Shielding Benchmarks
CERF Bonner Sphere Spectrometer Response to Charged Hadrons
CERF Radionuclide Production
CERF Residual Dose Rates
CERF Neutron Energy Spectra behind Shielding of a 120 GeV/c Hadron Beam Facility
CERN 200 and 400 GeV/c protons activation experiments
RIKEN Quasi-monoenergetic Neutron Field in 70-210 MeV Energy Range
KENS p-500 MeV shielding experiment using 4m Concrete at KEK
HIMAC experiments with He, C, Ne, Ar, Fe, Xe and Si ions on C, Al, Cu & Pb targets
HIMAC High energy Neutron (<800 MeV) Measurements in Iron
HIMAC High energy Neutron (<800 MeV) Measurements in Concrete
BEVALAC Experiment with Nb Ions on Nb & Al Targets
MSU experiment with He & C ions on Al target
Neutron Spectra Generated by 590-MeV Protons on a Thick Pb Target
ISIS Deep-Penetration Neutrons through Concrete and Iron Shields using p-800 MeV
Simulation of the lineal energy distribution of the energy deposition in biological cells, TEPC-FLUKA Comparison
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dir. name ] [
shielding ]
material ] [
laboratory ] [
year ]
SINBAD INDEX – Sorted by Directory Name
[ 30_52mev ] Neutron Production from Thick Targets of Carbon, Iron, Copper, and Lead by 30- and 52-MeV Protons
[ 52p ] Transmission Through Shielding Materials of Neutrons and Photons Generated by 52 MeV Protons
[ 65p ] Transmission Through Shielding Materials of Neutrons and Photons Generated by 65 MeV Protons
[ ags ] Radioactivity induced by GeV-Protons and Spallation Neutrons using AGS accelerator
[ asp_fe ] Winfrith Iron Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ asp_fe88 ] Winfrith Iron 88 Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ asp_grap ] Winfrith Graphite Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ asp_h2o ] Winfrith Water Benchmark
[ asp_ng ] Winfrith Neutron-Gamma Ray Transport through Water/Steel Arrays (ASPIS)
[ avf75mev ] Transmission of Medium Energy Neutrons Through Concrete Shields (AVF Cyclotron)
[ balakovo ] Balakovo-3 VVER-1000 Ex-vessel Neutron Dosimetry Benchmark
[ berp_poly ] Polyethylene Reflected Plutonium Metal Sphere: Subcritical Neutron and Gamma Measurements (~1987)
[ bevalac ] BEVALAC Experiment with Nb Ions on Nb & Al Targets
[ cerf_ac5 ] CERF Radionuclide Production
[ cerf_bss ] CERF Bonner Sphere Spectrometer Response to Charged Hadrons
[ cerf_dr3 ] CERF Residual Dose Rates
[ cerf_sp ] CERF Neutron Energy Spectra behind Shielding of a 120 GeV/c Hadron Beam Facility
[ cern200 ] CERN 200 and 400 GeV/c protons activation experiments
[ eurac_fe ] Ispra Iron Benchmark (EURACOS)
[ eurac_na ] Ispra Sodium Benchmark (EURACOS)
[ FNG_BLKT ] FNG-ITER Blanket Bulk Shield (integral)
[ fng_dose ] FNG-ITER Dose Rate Experiment
[ fng_hcpb ] FNG HCPB Tritium Breeder Module (integral measurements)
[ fng_str ] FNG-ITER Neutron Streaming (integral)
[ fng_sic ] FNG Silicon Carbide (integral)
[ fns ] FNS Experimental data for fusion neutronics benchmark
[ FNG_SS ] FNG-SS Shield (integral)
[ fng_w ] FNG Tungsten (integral)
[ fns_c ] FNS Integral Experiment on Graphite Cylindrical Assembly
[ fns_duct ] FNS Dogleg Duct Streaming
[ fns_o ] FNS Liquid Oxygen
[ fns_sky ] FNS Skyshine
[ fns_v ] FNS Vanadium Cube
[ fns_w ] FNS Tungsten
[ harmo_na ] Cadarache Sodium (HARMONIE)
[ hbr2 ] H.B. Robinson-2 Pressure Vessel
[ himac ] HIMAC experiments with He, C, Ne, Ar, Fe, Xe and Si ions on C, Al, Cu & Pb targets
[ himac800fe ] HIMAC High energy Neutron (<800 MeV) Measurements in Iron
[ himac800conc ]HIMAC High energy Neutron (<800 MeV) Measurements in Concrete
[ iheas ] Intermediate and High-Energy Accelerator Shielding Benchmarks
[ ILL_FE ] University of Illinois Iron Sphere (Cf-252)
[ ILL_FE ] University of Illinois Iron Sphere (D-T)
[ ippe_Bi ] IPPE neutron transmission through bismuth shell
[ ippe_v ] IPPE Vanadium Shells
[ ippe-fe ] IPPE Iron Shells
[ ippe_th ] IPPE Th shell with 14 MeV and Cf-252 source neutrons
[ iri_tub ] Streaming Through Ducts (IRI-TUB)
[ isis800 ] ISIS Deep-Penetration Neutrons through Concrete and Iron Shields using p-800 MeV
[ janus_1 ] JANUS Phase I (Neutron Transport Through Mild and Stainless Steel)
[ janus_8 ] JANUS Phase VIII (Neutron Transport Through Sodium and Mild Steel)
[ JAS_AX ] JASPER Advanced Reactor Axial Shield Measurements
[ JAS_IHX ] JASPER Advanced Reactor Intermediate Heat Exchanger Measurements
[ JAS_RAD ] JASPER Advanced Reactor Radial Shield Measurements
[ juelich_li ] Juelich Li Metal Blanket Experiment
[ kant ] Spherical Beryllium Shells
[ kens500 ] KENS p-500 MeV shielding experiment using 4m Concrete at KEK
[ kfk_fe ] Karlsruhe Iron Sphere
[ msu ] MSU experiment with He & C ions on Al target
[ mephi ] MEPhI empty slits streaming experiment
[ nai60cc ] NAÏADE 1 Concrete Benchmark (60cm)
[ nai60fec ] NAÏADE 1 Graphite Benchmark (60cm)
[ nai60h2o ] NAÏADE 1 Light Water Benchmark (60cm)
[ nai60fec ] NAÏADE 1 Iron Benchmark (60cm)
[ nesdip_2 ] NESDIP-2 Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ nesdip_3 ] NESDIP-3 Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ nist_h2o ] Neutron Leakage from Water Spheres (NIST)
[ oktav_al ] Aluminium Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
[ oktav_fe ] Iron Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
[ oktav_mn ] Osaka Manganese Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
[ oktav_ni ] Nickel Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
[ oktav_si ] Silicon Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
[ oktav_w ] Tungsten Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
[ ORNL_skyshine ] Photon Skyshine Experiment Benchmark
[ PCA_PV ] Pool Critical Assembly-Pressure Vessel Facility Benchmark
[ pca_repl ] Winfrith Water/Iron Benchmark (ASPIS-PCA REPLICA)
[ prote_fe ] Wuerenlingen Iron Benchmark (PROTEUS)
[ psi590 ] Neutron Spectra Generated by 590-MeV Protons on Thick Pb Target
[ rfnc_ph ] Photon Leakage Spectra from Al, Ti, Fe, Cu, Zr, Pb, U238 Spheres
[ rfnc_ph2 ] Photon Spectra from H2O, SiO2 and NaCl
[ riken ] RIKEN Quasi-monoenergetic Neutron Field in 70-210 MeV Energy Range
[ rosti ] ROESTI I, II and III (CERN)
[ SB2_GAM ] Gamma-ray Production Cross Sections from Thermal Neutron Capture in 14 elements and SS
[ SB3_GAM ] Averaged Gamma-ray Production Cross Sections from Fast Neutron Capture in 14 ele. & SS
[ SB5_FUS ] ORNL 14-MeV Neutron SS/Borated Poly Slab
[ SDT1 ] ORNL TSF Iron Broomstick
[ SDT2 ] ORNL TSF Oxygen Broomstick
[ SDT3 ] ORNL TSF Nitrogen Broomstick
[ SDT4 ] ORNL TSF Sodium Broomstick
[ SDT5 ] ORNL TSF Stainless Steel Broomstick
[ SDT11 ] ORNL Neutron Transport Through Iron and SS - Part I
[ SDT12 ] ORNL Neutron Transport in Thick Sodium
[ skyshine ] Baikal-1 Skyshine Benchmark Experiment
[ tepc-fluka ] Simulation of the lineal energy distribution of the energy deposition in biological cells, TEPC-FLUKA Comparison
[ tiara ] TIARA 40 and 65 MeV Neutron Transmission Through Iron, Concrete and Polyethylene
[ tud_fe ] TUD Iron Slab Experiment
[ tud_fng ] FNG/TUD ITER Blanket Bulk Shield (spectra measurements)
[ tud_sic ] FNG/TUD Silicon Carbide (spectra)
[ tud_w ] FNG/TUD Tungsten (spectra measurements)
[ venus3 ] VENUS-3 LWR-PVS Benchmark
[ vver440 ] Radiation field parameters for pressure vessel monitoring in NRI LR-0 VVER-440 reactor
[ vver1000 ] Radiation field parameters for pressure vessel monitoring in NRI LR-0 VVER-1000 reactor
[ YAYOI_FE ] University of Tokyo-YAYOI Iron Slab
back to top] Sorted by: [
dir. name ] [
shielding ]
material ] [
laboratory ] [
year ]
SINBAD INDEX – Sorted by Laboratory
[ AGH-UST, Poland ] Juelich Li Metal Blanket Experiment
[ ARCS, Austria ] Simulation of the lineal energy distribution of the
energy deposition in biological cells, TEPC-FLUKA Comparison
[ Cadarache, France - Harmonie ] Cadarache Sodium
[ CEA, France ] NAÏADE 1 Graphite Benchmark (60cm)
[ CEA, France ] NAÏADE 1 Iron Benchmark (60cm)
[ CEA, France ] NAÏADE 1 Light Water Benchmark (60cm)
[ CEA, France ] NAÏADE 1 Concrete Benchmark (60cm)
[ CERN, Switzerland ] ROESTI I, II and III
[ CERN, Switzerland ] CERF Bonner Sphere Spectrometer Response to Charged Hadrons
[ CERN, Switzerland ] CERF Radionuclide Production
[ CERN, Switzerland ] CERF Residual Dose Rates
[ CERN, Switzerland ] CERF Neutron Energy Spectra behind Shielding of a 120 GeV/c Hadron Beam Facility
[ CERN, Switzerland ] CERN 200 and 400 GeV/c protons activation experiments
[ FNS/JAEA, Japan ] FNS Experimental data for fusion neutronics benchmark
[ FNS/JAEA, Japan ] FNS Integral Experiment on Graphite Cylindrical Assembly
[ FNS/JAEA, Japan ] FNS Liquid Oxygen
[ FNS/JAEA, Japan ] FNS Vanadium Cube
[ FNS/JAEA, Japan ] FNS Tungsten
[ FNS/JAEA, Japan ] FNS Skyshine
[ FNS/JAEA, Japan ] FNS Dogleg Duct Streaming
[ FNG/ENEA, Italy ] FNG-SS Shield (integral meas.)
[ FNG/ENEA, Italy ] FNG-ITER Blanket Bulk Shield (integral meas.)
[ FNG/ENEA, Italy ] FNG-ITER Neutron Streaming (integral)
[ FNG/ENEA, Italy ] FNG-ITER Dose Rate Experiment
[ FNG/ENEA, Italy ] FNG Silicon Carbide (integral)
[ FNG/ENEA, Italy ] FNG Tungsten (integral)
[ FNG/ENEA, Italy ] FNG HCPB Tritium Breeder Module (integral measurements)
[ FNG/Italy, TUD/Germany ] FNG/TUD ITER Blanket Bulk Shield (spectra measurements)
[ FNG/Italy, TUD/Germany ] FNG/TUD Silicon Carbide (spectra)
[ FNG/Italy, TUD/Germany ] FNG/TUD Tungsten (spectra measurements)
[ TUD, Germany ] TUD Iron Slab Experiment
[ FzK, Germany ] Karlsruhe Iron Sphere
[ FzK, Germany ] KANT Spherical Beryllium Shells
[ IPPE - FzK ] IPPE Vanadium Shells
[ IPPE, Russia ] IPPE Iron Shells
[ IPPE, Russia ] IPPE Th shell with 14 MeV and Cf-252 source neutrons
[ IFPE, Russia ] IPPE neutron transmission through bismuth shell
[ IRI - TUB ] Streaming Through Ducts
[ ISPRA Univ. of Pavia, Italy - EURACOS II ] Ispra Iron Benchmark
[ ISPRA Univ. of Pavia, Italy - EURACOS II ] Ispra Sodium Benchmark
[ JAEA, Japan ] TIARA 40 and 65 MeV Neutron Transmission Through Iron, Concrete and Polyethylene
[ JAEA, Japan ] Radioactivity induced by GeV-Protons and Spallation Neutrons using AGS accelerator
[ JAEA, Japan ] Intermediate and High-Energy Accelerator Shielding Benchmarks
[ KEK/KENS, Japan ] KENS p-500 MeV shielding experiment using 4m Concrete at KEK
[ LBNL, USA ] BEVALAC Experiment with Nb Ions on Nb & Al Targets
[ MEPhI, Russian Fed. ] MEPhI empty slits streaming experiment
[ MSU, USA ] Experiment with He & C ions on Al target
[ NIRS, Japan ] HIMAC experiments with He, C, Ne, Ar, Fe, Xe and Si ions on C, Al, Cu & Pb targets
[ NIRS, Japan ] HIMAC High energy Neutron (<800 MeV) Measurements in Iron
[ NIRS, Japan ] HIMAC High energy Neutron (<800 MeV) Measurements in Concrete
[ NIST, USA ] Neutron Leakage from Water Spheres
[ NRC, USA ] H.B. Robinson-2 Pressure Vessel
[ NRI, Rez ] Radiation field parameters for pressure vessel monitoring in NRI LR-0 VVER-440 reactor
[ NRI, Rez ] Radiation field parameters for pressure vessel monitoring in NRI LR-0 VVER-1000 reactor
[ ORNL, USA ] Gamma-ray Production Cross Sections from Thermal Neutron Capture in 14 elements and SS
[ ORNL, USA ] Averaged Gamma-ray Production Cross Sections from Fast Neutron Capture in 14 ele. & SS
[ ORNL, USA ] JASPER Advanced Reactor Axial Shield Measurements
[ ORNL, USA ] JASPER Advanced Reactor Intermediate Heat Exchanger Measurements
[ ORNL, USA ] JASPER Advanced Reactor Radial Shield Measurements
[ ORNL, USA ] ORNL TSF Iron Broomstick
[ ORNL, USA ] ORNL TSF Oxygen Broomstick
[ ORNL, USA ] ORNL TSF Nitrogen Broomstick
[ ORNL, USA ] ORNL TSF Sodium Broomstick
[ ORNL, USA ] ORNL TSF Stainless Steel Broomstick
[ ORNL, USA ] ORNL Neutron Transport Through Iron and SS - Part I
[ ORNL, USA ] ORNL Neutron Transport in Thick Sodium
[ ORNL, USA ] Pool Critical Assembly-Pressure Vessel Facility Benchmark
[ ORNL, USA ] ORNL 14-MeV Neutron SS/Borated Poly Slab
[ ORNL, USA ] Photon Skyshine Experiment Benchmark
[ PSI, Swiss ] Neutron Spectra Generated by 590-MeV Protons on Thick Pb Target
[ RAL, England ] ISIS Deep-Penetration Neutrons through Concrete and Iron Shields using p-800 MeV
[ RDIPE, Russia ] Baikal-1 Skyshine Benchmark Experiment
[ RFNC, Russia ] Photon Leakage Spectra from Al, Ti, Fe, Cu, Zr, Pb, U238 Spheres
[ RFNC, Russia ] Photon Spectra from H2O, SiO2 and NaCl
[ RIKEN, Japan ] Quasi-monoenergetic Neutron Field in 70-210 MeV Energy Range
[ SCK/CEN, Belgium ] VENUS-3 LWR-PVS Benchmark
[ SEC NRS/FZR, Russia/Germany ] Balakovo-3 VVER-1000
[ SNL, USA ] Polyethylene Reflected Plutonium Metal Sphere: Subcritical Neutron and Gamma Measurements (~1987)
[ University of Illinois, USA ] University of Illinois Iron Sphere (D-T)
[ University of Illinois, USA ] University of Illinois Iron Sphere (CF-252)
[ Univ. of Osaka, Japan - OKTAVIAN ] Aluminium Sphere
[ Univ. of Osaka, Japan - OKTAVIAN ] Iron Sphere
[ Univ. of Osaka, Japan - OKTAVIAN ] Nickel Sphere
[ Univ. of Osaka, Japan - OKTAVIAN ] Silicon Sphere
[ Univ. of Osaka, Japan - OKTAVIAN ] Tungsten Sphere
[ Univ. of Osaka, Japan - OKTAVIAN ] Manganese Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
[ Univ. of Osaka, Japan - AVF Cyclotron ] Transmission Through Shielding Materials of Neutrons and Photons Generated by 65 MeV Protons
[ Univ. of Osaka, Japan - AVF Cyclotron ] Transmission of Medium Energy Neutrons Through Concrete Shields (AVF Cyclotron)
[ Univ. of Osaka and Univ. of Tokyo, Japan ] Neutron Production from Thick Targets of Carbon, Iron, Copper, and Lead by 30- and 52-MeV Protons
[ Univ. of Tokyo, Japan - INS ] Transmission Through Shielding Materials of Neutrons and Photons Generated by 52 MeV Protons
[ Univ. of Tokyo, Japan - YAYOI ] University of Tokyo-YAYOI Iron Slab
[ Winfrith, England - ASPIS ] Winfrith Iron Benchmark
[ Winfrith, England - ASPIS ] Winfrith Iron 88 Benchmark
[ Winfrith, England - ASPIS ] Winfrith Graphite Benchmark
[ Winfrith, England ] Winfrith Water Benchmark
[ Winfirth, England - ASPIS] Winfrith Neutron-Gamma Ray Transport through Water/Steel Arrays
[ Winfrith, England - ASPIS ] JANUS Phase I (Neutron Transport Through Mild and Stainless Steel)
[ Winfrith, England - ASPIS ] JANUS Phase VIII (Neutron Transport Through Sodium and Mild Steel)
[ Winfrith, England - ASPIS ] NESDIP-2 Benchmark
[ Winfrith, England - ASPIS ] NESDIP-3 Benchmark
[ Winfrith, England - ASPIS ] Winfrith Water/Iron Benchmark
[ Wuerenlingen, Switzerland - PROTEUS ] Wuerenlingen Iron Benchmark
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dir. name ] [
shielding ]
material ] [
laboratory ] [
year ]
SINBAD INDEX – Sorted by Year
[ 1960 ] NAÏADE 1 Graphite Benchmark (60cm)
[ 1960 ] NAÏADE 1 Iron Benchmark (60cm)
[ 1960 ] NAÏADE 1 Light Water Benchmark (60cm)
[ 1964/1965 ] NAÏADE 1 Concrete Benchmark (60cm)
[ 1968 ] ORNL TSF Iron Broomstick
[ 1968 ] ORNL TSF Oxygen Broomstick
[ 1968 ] ORNL TSF Nitrogen Broomstick
[ 1968 ] ORNL TSF Sodium Broomstick
[ 1968 ] ORNL TSF Stainless Steel Broomstick
[ 1969 ] Gamma-ray Production Cross Sections from Thermal Neutron Capture in 14 elements and SS
[ 1969 ] Averaged Gamma-ray Production Cross Sections from Fast Neutron Capture in 14 ele. & SS
[ 1974 ] ORNL Neutron Transport Through Iron and SS - Part I
[ 1974 ] ORNL Neutron Transport in Thick Sodium
[ 1975 ] University of Illinois Iron Sphere (CF-252)
[ 1975 ] University of Illinois Iron Sphere (D-T)
[ 1975 ] Karlsruhe Iron Sphere
[ ~1975 ] Winfrith Iron Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ 1976 ] University of Tokyo-YAYOI Iron Slab
[ 1977 ] Photon Skyshine Experiment Benchmark
[ 1976-1984 ] Juelich Li Metal Blanket Experiment
[ 1978 ] Cadarache Sodium (HARMONIE)
[ 1979 ] ORNL 14-MeV Neutron SS/Borated Poly Slab
[ 1979 ] Neutron Spectra Generated by 590-MeV Protons on Thick Pb Target
[ 1980 ] Pool Critical Assembly-Pressure Vessel Facility Benchmark
[ 1981 ] Transmission Through Shielding Materials of Neutrons and Photons Generated by 52 MeV Protons
[ 1982 ] Neutron Production from Thick Targets of Carbon, Iron, Copper, and Lead by 30- and 52-MeV Protons
[ 1983 ] CERN 200 and 400 GeV/c protons activation experiments
[ 1983-1991 ] FNS Experimental data for fusion neutronics benchmark
[ 1984 ] H.B. Robinson-2 Pressure Vessel
[ 1984 ] Winfrith Graphite Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ 1984 ] Winfrith Water Benchmark
[ 1984 ] Winfrith Water/Iron Benchmark (ASPIS-PCA REPLICA)
[ 1984 ] Wuerenlingen Iron Benchmark (PROTEUS)
[ 1984 ] FNS Integral Experiment on Graphite Cylindrical Assembly
[ 1985 ] NESDIP-3 Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ 1986 ] Ispra Iron Benchmark (EURACOS)
[ 1986 ] Ispra Sodium Benchmark (EURACOS)
[ 1986 ] JANUS Phase I (Neutron Transport Through Mild and Stainless Steel)
[ 1987 ] Osaka Manganese Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
[ 1987 ] JASPER Advanced Reactor Radial Shield Measurements
[ 1987 ] Winfrith Neutron-Gamma Ray Transport through Water/Steel Arrays (ASPIS)
[ 1987 ] OKTAVIAN Silicon Sphere
[ 1987 ] OKTAVIAN Tungsten Sphere
[ 1987-1992 ] IPPE Th shell with 14 MeV and Cf-252 source neutrons
[ 1988 ] OKTAVIAN Iron Sphere
[ 1988 ] OKTAVIAN Aluminium Sphere
[ 1988 ] VENUS-3 LWR-PVS Benchmark
[ 1989 ] FNG-SS Shield (integral meas.)
[ 1989 ] FNS Liquid Oxygen
[ 1989-1991 ] ROESTI I, II and III (CERN)
[ 1989-1995 ] IPPE Iron Shells
[ ~1990 ] Radiation field parameters for pressure vessel monitoring in NRI LR-0 VVER-440 reactor
[ ~1990 ] Radiation field parameters for pressure vessel monitoring in NRI LR-0 VVER-1000 reactor
[ 1990 ] Neutron Leakage from Water Spheres (NIST)
[ 1990 ] JANUS Phase VIII (Neutron Transport Through Sodium and Mild Steel)
[ 1990 - 1994 ] KANT Spherical Beryllium Shells
[ 1991 ] Streaming Through Ducts (IRI-TUB)
[ 1991 ] Transmission Through Shielding Materials of Neutrons and Photons Generated by 65 MeV Protons
[ 1991 ] Transmission of Medium Energy Neutrons Through Concrete Shields (AVF Cyclotron)
[ 1991 ] JASPER Advanced Reactor Axial Shield Measurements
[ 1991 ] BEVALAC Experiment with Nb Ions on Nb & Al Targets
[ 1992 ] JASPER Advanced Reactor Intermediate Heat Exchanger Measurements
[ 1992 ] Photon Leakage Spectra from Al, Ti, Fe, Cu, Zr, Pb, U238 Spheres
[ 1992-1997 ] IPPE neutron transmission through bismuth shell
[ 1993 ] Winfrith Iron 88 Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ 1993 ] OKTAVIAN Nickel Sphere
[ 1993 ] FNS Tungsten
[ 1993 ] MSU experiment with He & C ions on Al target
[ 1994 ] NESDIP-2 Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ 1994-1995 ] Balakovo-3 VVER-1000
[ 1995 ] TUD Iron Slab Experiment
[ 1995 ] FNG-ITER Blanket Bulk Shield (integral meas.)
[ 1995-1998 ] MEPhI empty slits streaming experiment
[ 1996 ] FNG/TUD ITER Blanket Bulk Shield (spectra measurements)
[ 1996 ] FNS Vanadium Cube
[ 1996, 1997 ] TIARA 40 and 65 MeV Neutron Transmission Through Iron, Concrete and Polyethylene
[ 1996, 1997 ] IPPE Vanadium Shells
[ 1996-1998 ] Baikal-1 Skyshine Benchmark Experiment
[ 1997-1998 ] FNG-ITER Neutron Streaming (integral)
[ 1997 - 1999 ] HIMAC experiments with He, C, Ne, Ar, Fe, Xe and Si ions on C, Al, Cu & Pb targets
[ 1998 ] ISIS Deep-Penetration Neutrons through Concrete and Iron Shields using p-800 MeV
[ ~1998? ] RIKEN Quasi-monoenergetic Neutron Field in 70-210 MeV Energy Range
[ 2000-2001 ] FNG-ITER Dose Rate Experiment
[ 2001 ] FNG Silicon Carbide (integral)
[ 2001 ] FNG/TUD Silicon Carbide (spectra measurements)
[ 2001 ] HIMAC High energy Neutron (<800 MeV) Measurements in Concrete
[ 2001 ] Radioactivity induced by GeV-Protons and Spallation Neutrons using AGS accelerator
[ 2002 ] FNG Tungsten (integral)
[ 2002 ] FNG/TUD Tungsten (spectra measurements)
[ 2002 ] FNS Skyshine
[ 2002 ] HIMAC High energy Neutron (<800 MeV) Measurements in Iron
[ 2002-2004 ] KENS p-500 MeV shielding experiment using 4m Concrete at KEK
[ 2003 ] CERF Bonner Sphere Spectrometer Response to Charged Hadrons
[ 2003 ] CERF Residual Dose Rates
[ 2003 ] Simulation of the lineal energy distribution of the energy deposition in biological cells, TEPC-FLUKA Comparison
[ ~2003 ] CERF Radionuclide Production
[ 2004 ] FNS Dogleg Duct Streaming
[ 2004 ] CERF Neutron Energy Spectra behind Shielding of a 120 GeV/c Hadron Beam Facility
[ 2005 ] FNG HCPB Tritium Breeder Module (integral measurements)
[ 2006 ] Photon Spectra from H2O, SiO2 and NaCl
[ 2009 ] Polyethylene Reflected Plutonium Metal Sphere: Subcritical Neutron and Gamma Measurements (~1987)
[ ? ] Intermediate and High-Energy Accelerator Shielding Benchmarks
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SINBAD INDEX – Sorted by Material
[ Air ] Streaming Through Ducts (IRI-TUB)
[ Air ] FNG-ITER Neutron Streaming (integral)
[ Air ] FNS Dogleg Duct Streaming
[ Air ] FNS Skyshine
[ Air ] Baikal-1 Skyshine Benchmark Experiment
[ Air ] RIKEN Quasi-monoenergetic Neutron Field in 70-210 MeV Energy Range
[ Air ] Simulation of the lineal energy distribution of the energy deposition in biological cells, TEPC-FLUKA Comparison
[ Air ] CERF Bonner Sphere Spectrometer Response to Charged Hadrons
[ Aluminium ] Aluminium Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
[ Air ] MEPhI empty slits streaming experiment
[ Aluminium ] MSU experiment with He & C ions on Al target
[ Beryllium ] KANT Spherical Beryllium Shells
[ Bismuth ] IPPE neutron transmission through bismuth shell
[ Concrete ] HIMAC High energy Neutron (<800 MeV) Measurements in Concrete
[ Concrete ] KENS p-500 MeV shielding experiment using 4m Concrete at KEK
[ Concrete ] Transmission of Medium Energy Neutrons Through Concrete Shields (AVF Cyclotron)
[ Concrete ] NAÏADE 1 Concrete Benchmark (60cm)
[ Copper ] CERN 200 and 400 GeV/c protons activation experiments
[ Copper ] CERF Neutron Energy Spectra behind Shielding of a 120 GeV/c Hadron Beam Facility
[ Graphite ] NAÏADE 1 Graphite Benchmark (60cm)
[ Graphite ] Winfrith Graphite Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ Graphite ] FNS Integral Experiment on Graphite Cylindrical Assembly
[ Iron ] NAÏADE 1 Iron Benchmark (60cm)
[ Iron ] Karlsruhe Iron Sphere
[ Iron ] Winfrith Iron Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ Iron ] Wuerenlingen Iron Benchmark (PROTEUS)
[ Iron ] Ispra Iron Benchmark (EURACOS)
[ Iron ] Iron Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
[ Iron ] Winfrith Iron 88 Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ Iron ] Iron Slab Experiment (TUD)
[ Iron ] University of Tokyo-YAYOI Iron Slab
[ Iron ] ORNL TSF Iron Broomstick
[ Iron ] University of Illinois Iron Sphere (CF-252)
[ Iron ] University of Illinois Iron Sphere (D-T)
[ Iron ] IPPE Iron Shells
[ Iron ] HIMAC High energy Neutron (<800 MeV) Measurements in Iron
[ Iron, Concrete ] ISIS Deep-Penetration Neutrons through Concrete and Iron Shields using p-800 MeV
[ Iron, Concrete, Polyethylene ] TIARA 40 and 65 MeV Neutron Transmission Through Iron, Concrete and Polyethylene
[ Iron, Lead ] ROESTI I, II and III (CERN)
[ Lead ] Neutron Spectra Generated by 590-MeV Protons on Thick Pb Target
[ Lithium ] Juelich Li Metal Blanket Experiment
[ Manganese] Osaka Manganese Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
[ Nickel ] Nickel Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
[ Niobium, Aluminum ] BEVALAC Experiment with Nb Ions on Nb & Al Targets
[ Nitrogen ] ORNL TSF Nitrogen Broomstick
[ Oxygen ] FNS Liquid Oxygen
[ Oxygen ] ORNL TSF Oxygen Broomstick
[ Polyethylene ] Polyethylene Reflected Plutonium Metal Sphere: Subcritical Neutron and Gamma Measurements (~1987)
[ Silicon ] Silicon Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
[ Silicon Carbide ] FNG Silicon Carbide (integral)
[ Silicon Carbide ] FNG/TUD Silicon Carbide (spectra)
[ Sodium ] Cadarache Sodium (HARMONIE)
[ Sodium ] Ispra Sodium Benchmark (EURACOS)
[ Sodium ] ORNL TSF Sodium Broomstick
[ Sodium ] ORNL Neutron Transport in Thick Sodium
[ Sodium, Steel ] JANUS Phase VIII (Neutron Transport Through Sodium and Mild Steel)
[ Steel ] JANUS Phase I (Neutron Transport Through Mild and Stainless Steel)
[ Steel, Concrete ] Photon Skyshine Experiment Benchmark
[ Stainless Steel ] ORNL TSF Stainless Steel Broomstick
[ Stainless Steel ] FNG-SS Shield (integral meas.)
[ Iron and Stainless Steel ] ORNL Neutron Transport Through Iron and SS - Part I
[ Stainless Steel and Poly ] ORNL 14-MeV Neutron SS/Borated Poly Slab
[ Stainless Steel, Poly, Copper ] FNG-ITER Blanket Bulk Shield (integral)
[ Stainless Steel, Poly, Copper ] FNG/TUD ITER Blanket Bulk Shield (spectra)
[ Stainless Steel, Perspex ] FNG-ITER Dose Rate Experiment
[ Thorium ] IPPE Th shell with 14 MeV and Cf-252 source neutrons
[ Tritium ] FNG HCPB Tritium Breeder Module (integral measurements)
[ Tungsten ] Tungsten Sphere (OKTAVIAN)
[ Tungsten ] FNS Tungsten
[ Tungsten ] FNG Tungsten (integral)
[ Tungsten ] FNG/TUD Tungsten (spectra)
[ Vanadium ] FNS Vanadium Cube
[ Vanadium ] IPPE Vanadium Shells
[ Water ] Winfrith Water Benchmark
[ Water ] Neutron Leakage from Water Spheres (NIST)
[ Water ] NAÏADE 1 Light Water Benchmark (60cm)
[ Water, Graphite, Iron ] Transmission Through Shielding Materials of Neutrons and Photons Generated by 52 MeV Protons
[ Water, Graphite, Lead ] Transmission Through Shielding Materials of Neutrons and Photons Generated by 65 MeV Protons
[ Water, Iron ] Pool Critical Assembly-Pressure Vessel Facility Benchmark
[ Water, Iron ] Winfrith Water/Iron Benchmark (ASPIS-PCA REPLICA)
[ Water, Steel ] Winfrith Neutron-Gamma Ray Transport through Water/Steel Arrays (ASPIS)
[ Water, Steel, Aluminium ] NESDIP-3 Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ Water, Steel, Aluminium ] NESDIP-2 Benchmark (ASPIS)
[ Water, Silicon-Dioxide, Sodium-Chloride ] Photon Spectra from H2O, SiO2 and NaCl
MULTIPLE (MORE THAN 3 Materials, either INTEGRAL or Separate)
Radiation field parameters for pressure vessel monitoring in NRI LR-0 VVER-440 reactor
Radiation field parameters for pressure vessel monitoring in NRI LR-0 VVER-1000 reactor
Balakovo-3 VVER-1000 Ex-vessel Neutron Dosimetry Benchmark
CERF Residual Dose Rates
CERF Radionuclide Production
H.B. Robinson-2 Pressure Vessel
JASPER Advanced Reactor Axial Shield Measurements
JASPER Advanced Reactor Intermediate Heat Exchanger Measurements
JASPER Advanced Reactor Radial Shield Measurements
Gamma-ray Production Cross Sections from Thermal Neutron Capture in 14 elements and SS
Averaged Gamma-ray Production Cross Sections from Fast Neutron Capture in 14 ele. & SS
HIMAC experiments with He, C, Ne, Ar, Fe, Xe and Si ions on C, Al, Cu & Pb targets
VENUS-3 LWR-PVS Benchmark
Photon Leakage Spectra from Al, Ti, Fe, Cu, Zr, Pb, U238 Spheres
Neutron Production from Thick Targets of Carbon, Iron, Copper, and Lead by 30- and 52-MeV Protons
Radioactivity induced by GeV-Protons and Spallation Neutrons using AGS accelerator
FNS Experimental data for fusion neutronics benchmark
Intermediate and High-Energy Accelerator Shielding Benchmarks
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