Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks and Safety Joint Projects
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SFP, Experimental data relevant for hydraulic and ignition phenomena of prototypic water reactor fuel assemblies

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SFP, NEA Sandia Fuel Project

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Program name Package id Status Status date
SFP CSNI2030/01 Arrived 18-FEB-2016

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
CSNI2030/01 Many Computers
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The goal of this project was to provide experimental data relevant for hydraulic and ignition phenomena of prototypic water reactor fuel assemblies. The intended scope of work was defined in an experts' meeting organised by the NEA. A highly detailed thermal-hydraulic characterisation was performed of full-length, commercial fuel assembly mock-ups to provide data for the direct validation of severe accident codes. Code predictions based on previous results indicated that fuel assemblies could ignite and radially propagate in a complete loss-of-coolant accident. Hence, there was a need for qualified data obtained in representative fuel configurations. The proposed experiments focused on thermal-hydraulic and ignition phenomena in pressurised water reactor (PWR) 17x17 assemblies and supplemented earlier results obtained for boiling water reactor (BWR) assemblies, which were made available to the SFP. It was believed that code validations based on both the PWR and BWR experimental results would considerably enhance the code applicability to other fuel assembly designs and configurations.


The project ran for three years and was conducted in two phases:

  • Phase 1 focused on axial heating and burn propagation;

  • Phase 2 addressed radial heating and burn propagation and included effects of fuel rod ballooning.


Participating countries:

Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Norway, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.


Project period: July 2009 to February 2013


For more detailed information visit

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Package ID Status date Status
CSNI2030/01 18-FEB-2016 Masterfiled restricted
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CSNI2030/01, included references:
- E.R. Lindgren and S.G. Durbin:
Characterization of Hydraulic and Ignition Phenomena of Pressurized Water
Reactor Fuel Assemblies: Phase I Test Plan (SAND2009-7868, December 2009)
- Benchmark Sandia Fuel Project Phase I: IGNITION TESTING, FINAL REPORT,
including Appendices
- Durbin S. G., Lindgren E. R. and Goldmann A.S., Zavisca M., Yuan Z., Karimi
R., Krall A, and Khatib-Rahbar M.:
Spent Fuel Pool Project Phase I: Pre-Ignition and Ignition Testing of a
Commercial 17?17 Pressurized Water Reactor Spent Fuel Assembly under Complete
Loss of Coolant Accident Conditions (July 2013)
- Abdelghani Zigh*, Alexander Velazquez-Lozada:
Experiments on Ignition of Zirconium-Alloy in a Prototypical Pressurized-Water
Reactor Single Fuel Assembly in a Spent Fuel Pool during a Complete Draindown
- S.G. Durbin and E.R. Lindgren:
Characterization of Hydraulic and Ignition Phenomena of Pressurized Water
Reactor Fuel Assemblies: Phase II Test Plan (SAND2012-1447, March 2012)
- Benchmark Sandia Fuel Project Phase II: IGNITION TESTING, FINAL REPORT,
including Appendices
- Benchmark Sandia Fuel Project Phase II: IGNITION TESTING
- T. Hollands, C. Bals:
First Results of the SFP Phase II Benchmark (October 2012)
- S.G. Durbin, E.R. Lindgren, and L. Humphries, Z. Yuan, M. Zavisca and M.
Khatib-Rahbar, R. Beaton:
Spent Fuel Pool Project Phase II: Pre-Ignition and Ignition Testing of a
Commercial 17?17 Pressurized Water Reactor Spent Fuel Assembly under Complete
Loss of Coolant Accident Conditions (June 2014)
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No specified programming language
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1) Phase I experimental data

2) Report: Characterization of Hydraulic and Ignition Phenomena of Pressurized
Water Reactor Fuel Assemblies: Phase I Test Plan

3) Report: Benchmark Sandia Fuel Project Phase I: IGNITION TESTING, FINAL
REPORT, including Appendices

4) Report: Pre-Ignition and Ignition Testing of a Commercial 17?17 Pressurized
Water Reactor Spent Fuel Assembly under Complete Loss of Coolant Accident

5) Publicly available article: Experiments on Ignition of Zirconium-Alloy in a
Prototypical Pressurized-Water Reactor Single Fuel Assembly in a Spent Fuel Pool
during a Complete Draindown

6) Phase II experimental data

7) Report: Characterization of Hydraulic and Ignition Phenomena of Pressurized
Water Reactor Fuel Assemblies: Phase II Test Plan

8) Report: Benchmark Sandia Fuel Project Phase II: IGNITION TESTING, FINAL
REPORT, including Appendices

9) Report: Benchmark Sandia Fuel Project Phase II: IGNITION TESTING

10) Presentation: First Results of the SFP Phase II Benchmark, T. Hollands, C.
Bals, October 2012.

11) Report: Pre-Ignition and Ignition Testing of a Commercial 17?17 Pressurized
Water Reactor Spent Fuel Assembly under Complete Loss of Coolant Accident

12) Several videos of construction of ignition tests (both Phase I and Phase II)

13) All files from the concluding seminar

14) Letter from Stu Richards confirming there is no follow on work proposed
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  • Y. Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks

Keywords: assemblies, database, hydraulics, ignition, prototypic, water reactor fuel.