Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks and Safety Joint Projects
CSNI2045 THAI-3.
last modified: 01-JUN-2023 | catalog | new | search |

CSNI2045 THAI-3.

THAI-3, Thermal-hydraulics, Hydrogen, Aerosols, Iodine (ThAI) Project, Third phase (2016-2019)

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Program name Package id Status Status date
THAI-3 CSNI2045/01 Arrived 01-JUN-2023

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
CSNI2045/01 Many Computers
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The experimental investigations carried out in the frame of the THAI (2007-2009) and THAI-2 (2011-2014) projects contributed significantly to improve the understanding of hydrogen and fission-product-related issues in a water-cooled reactor containment in design basis and severe accident conditions. The tests were conducted by Becker Technologies (Germany) in the 60 m³ stainless-steel THAI vessel. For THAI-3 (2016-2019) the facility had been enhanced to a linked, two-vessel apparatus named THAI+ with a total enclosed volume of 80 m3.


Open issues related to hydrogen and FPs were investigated in THAI-3 and benefited from the enhanced capabilities of the THAI+ facility where the following experiment series were performed:


PARs performance in the adverse conditions of counter-current flow

hydrogen combustion and flame propagation in a two-compartment system and looking in particular at the impact of higher flow velocities of the unburned gas on flame acceleration

FP re-entrainment from water pools at elevated temperature

resuspension of FP deposits (aerosol and molecular iodine) due to a highly-energetic event, e.g. hydrogen deflagration.

Experimental investigations in the THAI+ facility addressing remaining containment hydrogen and source term issues are being conducted in the THEMIS project (2020-2024).


Project participants: Belgium, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Slovak Republic, Sweden


Project Period: February 2016 to July 2019


The distribution of this package is restricted and subject to prior approval.


For detailed information, please visit the THAI Project.

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Package ID Status date Status
CSNI2045/01 01-JUN-2023 Masterfiled restricted
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CSNI2045/01, included references:
- S. Gupta, G. Poss, M. Freitag, E. Schmidt, M. Colombet, B. von Laufenberg, A.
Kuhnel, G. Langer, F. Funke, G. Langrock:
Fission product behaviour, hydrogen mitiga-tion, and hydrogen combustion in
water cooled reactors under severe accident conditions  Public Version
Reactor Safety Research Project 1501516, OECD/NEA THAI-3 Project, Final Report
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No specified programming language
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Analytical working group reports
Facility description drawings commissioning tests
Final reports
Technical reports and data
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  • Y. Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks

Keywords: aerosols, containment, fission products, hydrogen, iodine, severe accident, thermal hydraulics.