Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks and Safety Joint Projects
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IFPE/RISOE-3, Fuel Performance Data from 3rd Risoe Fission Gas Release

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Program name Package id Status Status date
IFPE/RISOE-3 NEA-1493/17 Arrived 13-APR-2005

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
NEA-1493/17 Many Computers
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The Risoe National Laboratory in Denmark have carried out three irradiation programs of slow ramp and hold tests, so called 'bump tests' to investigate fission gas release and fuel microstructural changes. The third and final project which took place between 1986 and 1990 bump tested fuel re-instrumented with both pressure transducers and fuel centreline thermocouples. The innovative technique employed for re-fabrication involved freezing the fuel rod to hold the fuel fragments in position before cutting and drilling away the centre part of the solid pellets to accommodate the new thermocouple.


The fuel used in the project was from: IFA-161 irradiated in the Halden BWR (irradiation history provided) 13 to 46 MWd/kgUO2, GE BWR fuel irradiated in Quad Cities 1 and Millstone 1 20 to 40 MWd/kgUO2 and ANF PWR fuel irradiated in Biblis A to 38 MWd/kgUO2.


The data from the project are particularly valuable because of the in-pile data on fuel temperatures and pressures as well as extensive post irradiation examination (PIE).

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Package ID Status date Status
NEA-1493/17 13-APR-2005 Masterfiled restricted
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NEA-1493/17, included references:
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test AN1 (CB9-2R) RISOE-FGP3-AN1
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test AN2 (CB6) RISOE-FGP3-AN2
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test AN3 (CB8-2R) RISOE-FGP3-AN3
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test AN4 (CB7-2R) RISOE-FGP3-AN4
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test AN8 (CB10) RISOE-FGP3-AN8
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test AN10 (CB13-4R) RISOE-FGP3-AN10
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test AN11 (CB11) RISOE-FGP3-AN11
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project ANF Fuel (ANF-Data) RISOE-FGP3-ANF,Pt.1
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project ANF Fuel (Risoe-Data) RISOE-FGP3-ANF,Pt.2
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test GE2 (ZX114-3R) RISOE-FGP3-GE2
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test GE4 (XW104-3R) RISOE-FGP3-GE4
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test GE6 (ZX113-4R) RISOE-FGP3-GE6
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test GE7 (ZX115) RISOE-FGP3-GE7
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project GE Fuel (GE-Data) RISOE-FGP3-GE, Pt.1
(April 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project GE Fuel (Risoe-Data) RISOE-FGP3-GE, Pt.2
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test II1 (M72-2-2R) RISOE-FGP3-II1
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test II2 (STR024-2R) RISOE-FGP3-II2
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test II3 (STR014-3R) RISOE-FGP3-II3
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Bump Test II5 (M72-2-7R) RISOE-FGP3-II5
(September 1990)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project TU Final Report (1/3) RISOE-FGP3-TU,Pt.1
(April 1992)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project TU Final Report (2/3) RISOE-FGP3-TU,Pt.2
(April 1992)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project TU Final Report (3/3) RISOE-FGP3-TU,Pt.3
(April 1992)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Final Report: The Project
RISOE-FGP3-FINAL,Pt.1 (March 1991)
- The Third Risoe Fission Gas Project Final Report: The Methods
RISOE-FGP3-FINAL,Pt.2 (March 1991)
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No specified programming language
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Risoe National Laboratory

PO Box 49




Compilation: J.A. Turnbull

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PRECHAR.* Precharacterization data for each test
BASEHIST.* Base irradiation in terms of elapsed time and time increment for
power, clad temperature, fast neutron flux and fluence
TESTPOW.* linear heat rating during the Riso test as a function of time and
time increment
TEMP.* For T-tests, measured fuel centreline temperatures as a function of time
during the test
TFVPOW.* For T-tests, selected values of temperature and power during the
course of the test
PRESS.* For P-tests, measured internal pressure as a function of time during
the test
FGR.* Fission gas release as a function of time inferred from internal pressure
PIE.* PIE data for each test
EPMA.* Measurement of retained xenon concentration as a function of radial
position across a pellet as measured by EPMA.
MGx.* Measurement of retained 137-Cs concentration as a function of radial
position across a pellet as measured by microgamma scanning.
XRFx.* Measurement of retained xenon concentration as a function of radial
position across a pellet as measured by X-ray fluorescence
QIAx.* Porosity measurements across pellet radius. Data are included as %
porosity in specific ranges or bubble diameter as well as total porosity
MG.XW and MG.ZX   microgamma scanning profiles across pellets in the base
irradiated GE segments XW104 and ZX114 respectively
XRF.XW and XRF.ZX   X-ray fluorescence profiles across pellets in the base
irradiated GE segments XW104 and ZX114 respectively
README.R3 Readme file
SUMMARY.R3 File summarizing the dataset
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  • Y. Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks

Keywords: experimental data, fission gas release, fission products, fuel elements, fuel pellets, fuel rods, fuel-cladding interaction, fuel-coolant interactions, helium, xenon.