Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks and Safety Joint Projects
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IFPE/HBEP, Battelle's High Burn-Up Effects Programme for Fuel Performance

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Program name Package id Status Status date
IFPE/HBEP NEA-1510/05 Arrived 16-JAN-2023

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Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
NEA-1510/05 Many Computers
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It contains data from phase 2 and 3 on fabrication, dimensions, fuel and cladding properties and composition, reactor conditions and Post Irradiation Examination (PIE) data of the High Burn-up Effects Programme (HBEP) carried out at the Battelle North-west Laboratories.

Each data set contains a full irradiation history with clad temperature and local power listed for each rod at 5, 10 or 12 axial zones as a function of cumulative time to the end of the given time interval over which the power has been constant. Data is provided for 45 rods from phase 2 and 36 rods from phase 3. The different rods have been manufactured by: ASEA/TVO, BN, BNFL, FBFC, FRA/CEA, GE, KWU/CE, WEC.

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Package ID Status date Status
NEA-1510/05 16-JAN-2023 Masterfiled restricted
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- High Burnup Effects Programme, Final Report, DOE/NE/34046-1, HBEP-61(3P27)

NEA-1510/05, included references:
- P. Dewes and E. Lorz (KWU): Irradiation Histories and NDT Examination
(Karlstein) of KWU/CE Rods - Task 2A and Prebump Task 2C (Group 1) HBEP-03(2K2)
(April 1981)
- R.D. Grimoldby and B. Crossley (BNFL): Pre-Irradiation Characterization of
BNFL Rods - Task 2A HBEP-04(2B1) (April 1981)
- D.M. Hoyt (GE): NDT Examinations of GE Rods - Task 2A and Prebump Task 2C
(Group 1) HBEP-07(2G2) (April 1981)
- J.L. Daniel, M.D. Freshley: Archive Fuel Characterization - Task 2 and Task 3
HBEP-12(2/3P3) (January 1982)
- D.M. Hoyt and L.A. Hanson (GE): Postirradiation Examination of GE Rods - Task
2A and Task 2C (Group 1) HBEP-13(2G4) (November 1981)
- J.F.W. Markgraf et al. (JRC): Prebump and Postbump NDT and Power Bumping at
JRC - Task 2C (Group 1, 20 MWd/kgM rods) HBEP-14(2K4) (November 1981)
- J.F.W. Markgraf et al. (JRC): Prebump and Postbump NDT and Power Bumping at
JRC - Task 2C (Group 1, 30 MWd/kgM rods) HBEP-15(2K5) Revised (November 1981)
- J.H.N. Verheugen et al. (ECN): Prebump and Postbump NDT Examinations and
Fission Gas Measurements at ECN - Task 2C (Group 1) HBEP-16(2K6) (October 1981)
- A. Juttner and E. Lorz (KWU): Irradiation Histories and NDT Examination
(Karlstein) of KWU/CE Rods - Task 2B (Group 1) HBEP-19(2K9) (January 1982)
- E. Lorz (KWU): Irradiation Histories and NDT Examination (Karlstein) of
KWU/CE Rods - Task 2B (Group 2) and Task 2C (Group 2) HBEP-20(2K10) (May 1982)
- J.H.N. Verheugen et al. (ECN): Postbump Ceramography Results from ECN - Task
2C (Group 1, 20 MWd/kgM rods) HBEP-21(2K11) (October 1982)
- J.H.N. Verheugen et al.(ECN): Postbump Ceramography Results from ECN - Task
2C (Group 1, 30 MWd/kgM rods) HBEP-22(2K12) (October 1982)
- A. Garlick et al. (UKAEA): NDT Examinations of KWU/CE and BNFL Rods at
Windscale - Task 2A HBEP-23(2K13/2B3) (October 1982)
- A. Garlick et al.: Destructive Examinations of KWU/CE and BNFL Rods at
Windscale Task 2A HBEP-24(2K14/2B4) (October 1982)
- J.F.W. Markgraf et al. (JRC): Prebump and Postbump NDT and Power Bumping at
JRC - Task 2C (Group 2) HBEP-26(2K15) (November 1982)
- J.H.N. Verheugen et al. (ECN): Prebump and Postbump NDT Examinations and
Fission Gas Measurements at ECN - Task 2C (Group 2) HBEP-28(2K16) (April 1983)
- A. Garlick et al. (UKAEA): Postirradiation Examination of KWU/CE Rodlets at
Windscale - Task 2B HBEP-30(2K18) (October 1983)
- J.H.N. Verheugen and Th. Schoots (ECN): Postbump Ceramography Results from
ECN - Task 2C (Group 2) HBEP-33(2K19) (January 1984)
- D.M. Hoyt (GE): NDT Examinations of GE Rodlets - Task 2B and Prebump Task 2C
(Group 2) HBEP-34(2G6) (February 1984)
- A. Garlick et al. (UKAEA): Postirradiation Examination of Four Fuel Rods
Irradiated One Cycle in BR3 - Task 3 HBEP-37(3P7) (May 1986)
- C. Taylor and R. Sumerling (UKAEA) - Part 1; J.H. Pearce (UKAEA) - Parts 2,
3, 4, and 5; J.W. McMillan, I.G. Jones and P.R. Fozard (AERE) - Part 6: Special
Postirradiation Examination Results - Task 2 HBEP-38(2K21/2B5) (April 1986)
- D.M. Hoyt and L.A. Hanson (GE): Postirradiation and Special Examination
Results for GE Rodlets - Task 2B and 2C (Groups 1 and 2) HBEP-40(2G8) (November
- D. Baron (FRAGEMA): Fabrication and Preirradiation Characterization of
FRAGEMA/CEA BR-3 Rods - Task 3 HBEP-45(3P12) (August 1986)
- C.A. Bly (Westinghouse Electric Corporation), N.A. Pisano: Fabrication,
Preirradiation Characterization, and Irradiation History for Westinghouse BR-3
Rods - Task 3 HBEP-47(3P14) (June 1987)
- H.E. Kjarmo: Archive Fuel Characterization - Task 3 BN and FGA/CEA Fuel
HBEP-49(3P15) (September 1987)
- L. Hallstadius (ASEA-ATOM): Fabrication, Preirradiation Characterization, and
Irradiation History for TVO-1 Rods - Task 3 HBEP-51(3P17) (March 1988)
- H.E. Kjarmo: Archive Fuel Characterization for TVO-1 Rods - Task 3
HBEP-52(3P18) (August 1988)
- L.A. Goldsmith et al. (UKAEA Windscale): NDT Examinations of Six Fuel Rods
Irradiated for Two or Three Cycles in BR-3 - Task 3 HBEP-54(3P20) (August 1988)
- L.A. Goldsmith et al. (UKAEA Windscale): NDT Examinations of Nine BWR Rods
Irradiated in TVO-1 - Task 3 HBEP-55(3P21) (March 1989)
- J.F.W. Thompson (Part 1); J.F.W. Thompson and A.W. Bell (Part 2); J.H. Pearce
and C. Taylor (Part 3): Destructive and Special Examinations of Eight Fuel Rods
Irradiated in BR-3 - Task 3 HBEP-57(3P23) (August 1989)
- J.F.W. Thompson and A.W. Bell (Part 1); J.H. Pearce and C. Taylor (Part 2)
(UKAEA Windscale): Destructive and Special Examinations of Three BWR Fuel Rods
Irradiated in TVO-1 - Task 3 HBEP-58(3P24) (July 1989)
- M. Mogensen and N.H. Anderson (Risoe National Laboratory): Results of X-Ray
Fluorescence Measurements at Risoe - Task 3 HBEP-59(3P25) (October 1989)
- J.O. Barner et al.: High Burnup Effects Program - Final Report HBEP-61(3P27)
Final (April 1990)
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No specified programming language
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Pacific North-West Laboratories

Richland, Washington



Compilation: J.A. Turnbull

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ARCHIVE       Additional fabrication data for fuel pellets
PIE           Selected additional PIE data, eg. dimensional changes, grain size
and porosity data
EPMA.WIN      Cross pellet data obtained by AEA Technology Winscale
EPMA.TUI      Cross pellet data obtained by Transuranium Institute Karlsruhe
EPMA-RIM.WIN EPMA obtained by AEA Technology, Windscale for the distribution of
selected elements close to the pellet rim
GT2.*         GT2 programme, input and output files
ROD*.DAT      Irradiation history for each rod
XRF&EPMA      Data on element distributions as measured by X-ray fluorescence
and EPMA
Review of HBEP Experiments.doc   Addendum to QA report
README.1      Readme file
SUMMARY.1     Summary of the HB Effects Programme

ARCHIVE       Additional fabrication data for fuel pellets
PIE           Selected additional PIE data, eg. dimensional changes, grain size
and porosity data
EPMA.WIN      Cross pellet data obtained by AEA Technology Winscale
EPMA.TUI      Cross pellet data obtained by Transuranium Institute Karlsruhe
EPMA-RIM.WIN EPMA obtained by AEA Technology, Windscale for the distribution of
selected elements close to the pellet rim
GT2.*         GT2 programme, input and output files
3ROD*.DAT     Irradiation history for each rod
XRF&EPMA      Data on element distributions as measured by X-ray fluorescence
and EPMA
Review of HBEP Experiments.doc   Addendum to QA report
README.1      Readme file
SUMMARY.1     Summary of the HB Effects Programme
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  • Y. Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks

Keywords: burnup, experimental data, fission products, fuel elements, fuel pellets, fuel rods, fuel-cladding interaction, fuel-coolant interactions, post-irradiation examination, xenon.