NEA-1536/02, included references:
- M. Lippens, B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle and C. Winne: BR3 First Phase
Irradiation Data and Intermediate Examinations of BN2 Fuel Rods TR81/09
(October 1981)
- M. Lippens, B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle and C. Winne: BR3 First Phase
Irradiation Data and Intermediate Examinations of BN3 Fuel Rods TR82/12 (March
- M. Lippens, B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle and C. Winne: BR3 First Phase
Irradiation Data and Intermediate Examinations of BN1 Fuel Rods TR82/13 (March
- B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle: Characterization Report on Belgonucleaire Design
Fuel Rods TR82/19 (December 1982)
- H. Nackaerts: Fast Operational Transients in BR2 - Part I TR83/21 (February
- H. Hoffmann and W. Kraus: Fabrication and Characterization Data of BBR Fuel
Rods TR83/24 (August 1983)
- B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle: Non-Destructive Examinations of BN1 Fuel Rods
after Fast Operational Transients in BR2 TR84/26 (August 1984)
- B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle: Non-Destructive Examinations of BN2 Fuel Rods
after Fast Operational Transients in BR2 TR84/27 (August 1984)
- B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle: Non-Destructive Examinations of BN3 Fuel Rods
after Fast Operational Transients in BR2 TR84/28 (August 1984)
- B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle: BR3 Second Phase Irradiation Data and
Non-Destructive Examinations of BN2 Fuel Rods Nrs 7 and 8 TR84/36 (September
- A. Garlick et al.: Post-Irradiation Examination of Ten BR3 Fuel Rods
Comprising the First Part of the Tribulation Programme TR85/38 (July 1986)
- A. Garlick: Addendum to Tribulation Topical Report TR85/38 on
Post-Irradiation Examination of Ten BR3 Fuel Rods Comprising the First Part of
the Tribulation Programme TR85/38 AD (August 1987)
- Th. Maldague: Intermediate Neutronic Report after the BBR1 and BBR2 Rods
Irradiations in the BR3/4C TR86/53 (August 1986)
- Th. Maldague: Intermediate Neutronic Report after the BN1 Rods Irradiations
in the BR3/4C Cycle TR86/52 (August 1986)
- Th. Maldague: Neutronic Report concerning the Irradiation of the Tribulation
Fuel Rods in the BR3/4D1 Cycle TR86/54 (August 1986)
- D. Boulanger: Final Non Destructive Examinations on the BN1 Fuel Rod Numbers
3 and 4 after their Second Irradiation Phase TR87/56 (July 1987)
- D. Boulanger: Final Non Destructive Examinations on the BN3 Fuel Rod Numbers
14 and 15 after their Second Irradiation Phase TR87/57 (July 1987)
- D. Boulanger: Intermediate Non Destructive Examinations on the BBR1 Fuel Rods
after their First Irradiation Phase Fast Operational Transient on Rods 42 and
43 and Subsequent Non Destructive Examinations TR87/63 (July 1987)
- D. Boulanger: Intermediate Non Destructive Examinations on the BBR2 Fuel Rods
after their First Irradiation Phase Fast Operational Transient on Rod 46 and
Subsequent Non Destructive Examinations TR87/64 (July 1987)
- A. Garlick et al.: Postirradiation Examination of Seven BR3 Fuel Rods
Comprising the Second Part of the Tribulation Programme TR87/65 (August 1987)
- D. Boulanger: Final Non Destructive Examinations on the BBR1 Fuel Rods after
Irradiation in BR3/4D2 Core TR88/72 (August 1988)
- D. Boulanger: Final Non Destructive Examinations on the BBR2 Fuel Rods after
Irradiation in BR3/4D2 Core TR88/73 (August 1988)
- Th. Maldague and P. Brusselaers: Neutronics Report Concerning the Irradiation
of the Tribulation Fuel Rods in the BR3/4D2 Cycle TR88/75 (December 1988)
- L. Sannen, J. Van de Velde and C. Van Loon: Post-Transient Destructive
Examinations of Fuel Rods T1502 and T2606 TR89/74 (January 1989)
- P. Brusselaers: Fast Fluxes and Fluences of the Tribulation Fueld Rods during
their Irradiation in the BR3 Core TR89/77 (January 1989)
- P.D. Kennedy et al.: Non-Destructive and Destructive Examination of Rods from
Phase III of the Tribulation Programme TR89/78 (January 1989)
- A.J. Manley et al.: Postirradiation Examination of Rod T1503 comprising Task
IV of the Tribulation Project TR89/80 (February 1989)
- J. Van de Velde: Destructive Examination Results (Puncture) of Fuel Rods
T1502 (42), T1504 (44), T2606 (46), T2607 (47) and T2608 (48), TR89/83 (October
- M. Doucet and Th. Maldague: Final Neutronic Report after the BN2 Rods
Irradiations in the BR3/4C Cycle, 232.20/100/ni/178 (January 1984)