Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks and Safety Joint Projects
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IFPE/TRIBULATION, Fuel Rod Behaviour at High Burnup

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Program name Package id Status Status date
IFPE/TRIBULATION NEA-1536/02 Arrived 29-MAR-2002

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
NEA-1536/02 Many Computers Many Computers
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The TRIBULATION (Tests Relative to High BUrnup Limitations Arising Normally in LWR's) International Programme started in July 1980 and was organized jointly by BelgoNucleaire and the Nuclear Energy Centre at Mol (CEN/SCK) with the cosponsorship of 14 participating organizations. The objectives of the programme were twofold. It was primarily a demonstration programme aimed at assessing the fuel rod behaviour at high burn-up, when an earlier transient had occurred in the power plant. The second objective was to investigate the behaviour of different fuel rod designs and manufacturers when subjected to a steady state irradiation history to high burn-up.

The first objective was met by irradiating fuel rods under steady state conditions in the BR3 reactor and under transient conditions in BR2. The effect of the transient was determined by comparing data from 4 identical rods tested as follows:

  1. BR3 irradiation followed by PIE

  2. BR3 irradiation followed by BR2 transient then PIE

  3. BR3 irradiation followed by BR2 transient and reirradiated in BR3 before PIE

  4. BR3 irradiation and continued BR3 irradiation to maximum burn-up before PIE.

The Database contains data from 19 cases using rods fabricated by BelgoNucleaire (BN) (11) and Brown Boveri Reactor GmbH (BBR) (8).

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Package ID Status date Status
NEA-1536/02 29-MAR-2002 Masterfiled restricted
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- M. Lippens: "The TRIBULATION Programme, An Assessment of the High Burnup Fuel Behaviour after Fast Power Transients" ANS and ENS, International Topical Meeting on LWR Fuel Performance: "Fuel for the 90's", 21-24 April 1991, Avignon, France.

NEA-1536/02, included references:
- M. Lippens, B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle and C. Winne: BR3 First Phase
Irradiation Data and Intermediate Examinations of BN2 Fuel Rods TR81/09
(October 1981)
- M. Lippens, B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle and C. Winne: BR3 First Phase
Irradiation Data and Intermediate Examinations of BN3 Fuel Rods TR82/12 (March
- M. Lippens, B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle and C. Winne: BR3 First Phase
Irradiation Data and Intermediate Examinations of BN1 Fuel Rods TR82/13 (March
- B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle: Characterization Report on Belgonucleaire Design
Fuel Rods TR82/19 (December 1982)
- H. Nackaerts: Fast Operational Transients in BR2 - Part I TR83/21 (February
- H. Hoffmann and W. Kraus: Fabrication and Characterization Data of BBR Fuel
Rods TR83/24 (August 1983)
- B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle: Non-Destructive Examinations of BN1 Fuel Rods
after Fast Operational Transients in BR2 TR84/26 (August 1984)
- B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle: Non-Destructive Examinations of BN2 Fuel Rods
after Fast Operational Transients in BR2 TR84/27 (August 1984)
- B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle: Non-Destructive Examinations of BN3 Fuel Rods
after Fast Operational Transients in BR2 TR84/28 (August 1984)
- B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle: BR3 Second Phase Irradiation Data and
Non-Destructive Examinations of BN2 Fuel Rods Nrs 7 and 8 TR84/36 (September
- A. Garlick et al.: Post-Irradiation Examination of Ten BR3 Fuel Rods
Comprising the First Part of the Tribulation Programme TR85/38 (July 1986)
- A. Garlick: Addendum to Tribulation Topical Report TR85/38 on
Post-Irradiation Examination of Ten BR3 Fuel Rods Comprising the First Part of
the Tribulation Programme TR85/38 AD (August 1987)
- Th. Maldague: Intermediate Neutronic Report after the BBR1 and BBR2 Rods
Irradiations in the BR3/4C TR86/53 (August 1986)
- Th. Maldague: Intermediate Neutronic Report after the BN1 Rods Irradiations
in the BR3/4C Cycle TR86/52 (August 1986)
- Th. Maldague: Neutronic Report concerning the Irradiation of the Tribulation
Fuel Rods in the BR3/4D1 Cycle TR86/54 (August 1986)
- D. Boulanger: Final Non Destructive Examinations on the BN1 Fuel Rod Numbers
3 and 4 after their Second Irradiation Phase TR87/56 (July 1987)
- D. Boulanger: Final Non Destructive Examinations on the BN3 Fuel Rod Numbers
14 and 15 after their Second Irradiation Phase TR87/57 (July 1987)
- D. Boulanger: Intermediate Non Destructive Examinations on the BBR1 Fuel Rods
after their First Irradiation Phase Fast Operational Transient on Rods 42 and
43 and Subsequent Non Destructive Examinations TR87/63 (July 1987)
- D. Boulanger: Intermediate Non Destructive Examinations on the BBR2 Fuel Rods
after their First Irradiation Phase Fast Operational Transient on Rod 46 and
Subsequent Non Destructive Examinations TR87/64 (July 1987)
- A. Garlick et al.: Postirradiation Examination of Seven BR3 Fuel Rods
Comprising the Second Part of the Tribulation Programme TR87/65 (August 1987)
- D. Boulanger: Final Non Destructive Examinations on the BBR1 Fuel Rods after
Irradiation in BR3/4D2 Core TR88/72 (August 1988)
- D. Boulanger: Final Non Destructive Examinations on the BBR2 Fuel Rods after
Irradiation in BR3/4D2 Core TR88/73 (August 1988)
- Th. Maldague and P. Brusselaers: Neutronics Report Concerning the Irradiation
of the Tribulation Fuel Rods in the BR3/4D2 Cycle TR88/75 (December 1988)
- L. Sannen, J. Van de Velde and C. Van Loon: Post-Transient Destructive
Examinations of Fuel Rods T1502 and T2606 TR89/74 (January 1989)
- P. Brusselaers: Fast Fluxes and Fluences of the Tribulation Fueld Rods during
their Irradiation in the BR3 Core TR89/77 (January 1989)
- P.D. Kennedy et al.: Non-Destructive and Destructive Examination of Rods from
Phase III of the Tribulation Programme TR89/78 (January 1989)
- A.J. Manley et al.: Postirradiation Examination of Rod T1503 comprising Task
IV of the Tribulation Project TR89/80 (February 1989)
- J. Van de Velde: Destructive Examination Results (Puncture) of Fuel Rods
T1502 (42), T1504 (44), T2606 (46), T2607 (47) and T2608 (48), TR89/83 (October
- M. Doucet and Th. Maldague: Final Neutronic Report after the BN2 Rods
Irradiations in the BR3/4C Cycle, 232.20/100/ni/178 (January 1984)
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No specified programming language
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Avenue Ariane 2-4

B-1200 Bruxelles




200 Boeretang

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Compilation: J.A. Turnbull

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TRIBx.HIS    Irradiation histories (x = 1 to 19)
PIE.BN       Data obtained during PIE (Belgonucleaire rods)
PIE.BBR      Data obtained during PIE (Brown Boveri Reactor rods)
PRECHAR.BN   Precharacterisation data (Belgonucleaire)
PRECHAR.BBR Precharacterisation data (Brown Boveri Reactor)
Trib\        Fortran programmes, input and output files
QA Report Tribulation.pdf     QA Report
Addendum to QA                Addendum to QA report
method used.pdf               Method used to calculate clad temperatures
README.TXT                    Readme file
SUMMARY.TXT                   Summary about the experiment
Trib\ Fortran programmes, input and output files
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  • Y. Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks

Keywords: burnup, experimental data, fission gas release, fuel elements, fuel pellets, fuel rods.