Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks and Safety Joint Projects
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IFPE/OSIRIS, 4 PWR Rods Irradiated in the CEA Osiris Reactor

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Program name Package id Status Status date
IFPE/OSIRIS NEA-1622/04 Arrived 20-JAN-2006

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NEA-1622/04 Many Computers
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This data set contains details of 4 PWR rods irradiated in EDF commercial reactors. Two of the rods were re-fabricated and ramp tested in the CEA OSIRIS reactor to investigate their PCI resistance. The data set contains details of the pre-characterization of the fuel pellets, the cladding tube and the assembled fuel rod. The following is an outline of each fuel rod and the data available.


Rod G07:

This is rod FF06E2BV/G07/1067 irradiated for 3 cycles in the EDF Gravline 3 PWR to a final discharge burn-up of 34.783 MWd/kgU. The average powers in the 3 cycles were approximately 17, 24 and 21 kW/m. The final fission gas release was measured as 0.49 %. Data available from this rod include:

Axial caesium distribution measured by gamma scanning.

Length changes measured by neutron radiography.

Axial diameter (including oxide) and oxide thickness.

Fission gas release including isotopic composition of released Kr and Xe.

Whole pellet density measurements at 2 locations.

Hydrogen content of the cladding at 3 locations.

Local whole pellet burn-up from the neodymium concentration at 2 locations.

Radial distribution of Nd, Pu and Xe measured by EPMA at one location.

Metallography at one location.


Rod H09:

This is rod FF0EFELX/H09/5007 irradiated for 4 cycles in the EDF Cruas 2 PWR to a final discharge burn-up of 46.060 MWd/kgU. The average powers in the 4 cycles were approximately 22, 20, 18 and 15 kW/m. The final fission gas release was measured as 0.8 %. Data available from this rod include:

Length changes measured by neutron radiography.

Axial diameter (excluding oxide thickness) and oxide thickness.

Fission gas release.

Whole pellet density measurements at 11 locations.

Hydrogen content of the cladding at 4 locations.

Radial distribution of Cs, Nd, Pu and Xe measured by EPMA at 2 locations.

Metallography at 2 locations.


Rod J12:

This is rod FF0LCMJV/J12/5105 irradiated for 2 cycles in the EDF Gravline 5 PWR to a final discharge burn-up of 23.852 MWd/kgU. The average powers in the 2 cycles were approximately 16 and 23 kW/m.

A section of this rod was cut from span 5 between grids and ramp tested as J12-5 in the CEA OSIRIS reactor. After conditioning at 21 kW/m it was quickly ramped and held at 39.5 kW/m and discharged without failure. The final fission gas release after ramping was measured as 0.74 %. Data available from this rod include:

Fission gas release including isotopic composition of released Kr and Xe.

Metallography at 2 locations.


Rod K11:

This is rod FF06E2BV/K11/1090 irradiated for 2 cycles in the EDF Gravline 3 PWR to a final discharge burn-up of 25.437 MWd/kgU. The average powers in the 2 cycles were approximately 21 and 23 kW/m. The final fission gas release was measured as 0.2 %. Data available from this rod include: Axial caesium distribution measured by gamma scanning.

Length changes measured by neutron radiography.

Axial diameter (including oxide) and oxide thickness.

Fission gas release including isotopic composition of released Kr and Xe.

Hydrogen content of the cladding at 6 locations.

Local whole pellet burn-up from the neodymium concentration at 2 locations.

Radial distribution of Nd, Pu and Xe measured by EPMA at 3 locations.

Metallography at one location.

A section of this rod was cut from span 5 between grids and ramp tested as K11-5 in the CEA OSIRIS reactor. After conditioning at 24 kW/m it was quickly ramped and held at 43.7 kW/m and discharged without failure. The final fission gas release after ramping was measured as 6.3 %. Data available from this rod include:

Diameter measurements along the length of K11-5 before and after ramp.

Fission gas release including isotopic composition of released Kr and Xe.

Metallography at 4 locations showing evidence of dimple filling.

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Package ID Status date Status
NEA-1622/04 20-JAN-2006 Masterfiled restricted
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NEA-1622/04, included references:
- Rapport d'Assurance Qualite Crayon FF06E2BV/G07/1067 (22 Oct. 98)
- Rapport d'Assurance Qualite Crayon FF0EFELX/H09/5007 (22 Oct. 98)
- M. Menard: Examens metallographiques du crayon FABRICE J12-5 Rapport DMT
No.96/588 (Nov. 96)
- Rapport d'Assurance Qualite Crayon FF0LCMJV/J12/5105
- L. Marchand, J.P. Monin, D. Sapin: Examens non destructifs crayon J12-5
Spectrometrie gamma - avant et apres reirradiation Courants de Foucault - avant
et apres reirradiation, Note E 96-1321 (22 octobre 1996)
- G. Bayon, D. Le Foll: Examens non destructifs crayon J12-5 Neutronographie
Avant et apres reirradiation Note E 96-1301 (25 mars 1996)
- D. Gouaillardou: Dossiers 1 et 2 - FA 71BG Rampe sur crayon J12.5, 2 cycles a
OSIRIS Rapport DMT No. 95-591 (Novembre 1995)
- P. Couffin: Compte Rendu d'Irradiation Crayon J12-5 Cycle F 128 (CRi No.525,
18 mars 1996)
- END et Percage du Crayon J12-5 apres rampe Note de Resultats LECM 96-055 (3
juin 1996)
- Ph. Aquilina et M. Vouillot: Compte-Rendu de refabrication du crayon FABRICE
X1 2-3 Rappport DMT 92/314 (23 juin 1992)
- Rapport d'Assurance Qualite Crayon FF06E2BV/K11/1090 (12 Nov. 98)
- G. Bayon, D. Le Foll: Examens non destructifs Crayon K11-5 Neutronographie
avant et apres irradiation Note E 95-1280 (21 juin 1995)
- P. Couffin: Compte Rendu d'Irradiation Crayon K11-5 Cycle F 122 (CRi No.517,
3 juillet 1995)
- L. Marchand, J.P. Monin, D. Sapin: Examens non destructifs crayon K11-5
Spectrometrie gamma - avant et apres reirradiation Courants de Foucault - avant
et apres reirradiation Note E 95-1287 (7 decembre 1995)
- O. Rabouille, L. Belin: Expertise au MEB du crayon K11-5 apres rampe de
puissance dans le reacteur OSIRIS Rapport DMT 96/158 (Jan. 96)
- M. Vouillot: Compte rendu de refabrication du crayon FABRICE K11-5 (GRAV
III-1090) Rapport DMT 94/240 (mai 94)
- D. Gouaillardou: Dossier 1 - F.A.71BK Rampes de demonstration Rapport DMT No.
93 - 554 (novembre 93)
- G.M. Decroix, P. Duigou, O. Rabouille, M. Menard, L. Belin: Results from the
examinations performed after power ramp testing on the K11-5 fuel rod DMT
Report 96/147 (October 98)
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No specified programming language
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CEA - Dept. des Reacteurs Nucleaires

91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex




10 rue Juliette Recamier

69456 LYON Cedex 06




12-14, avenue Dutrievoz

F-69628 Villeurbanne Cedex



Compilation and review: J.A. Turnbull

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CEA-*.TXT     Pre-characterization and PIE data for each rod.
*-HIS.DAT     Irradiation histories for whole rod PWR irradiation
J12-5-H.DAT   Irradiation histories of re-fabricated sections, both base and
K11-5-H.DAT   Irradiation histories of re-fabricated sections, both base and
G07-CS.DAT    Axial distribution of caesium
G07-DIA.DAT   Axial distribution of rod diameter including oxide
G07-OX.DAT    Axial distribution of oxide thickness
G07-EPM.DAT   Radial distributions as measured by EPMA of Nd, Pu and Xe
H09-DIA.DAT   Axial distribution of rod diameter including oxide
H09-OX.DAT    Axial distribution of oxide thickness
H09-Cs.DAT    Radial distributions of Cs as measured by EPMA
H09-Nd.DAT    Radial distributions of Nd as measured by EPMA
H09-Pu.DAT    Radial distributions of Pu as measured by EPMA
H09-Xe.DAT    Radial distributions of Xe as measured by EPMA
K11-DIA.DAT   Axial distribution of whole rod diameter after base irradiation
K11-OX.DAT    Axial distribution of oxide thickness along whole rod after base
K11-Cs.DAT   Axial distribution of caesium along whole rod after base
K11-5-D.DAT Mean diameter before and after OSIRIS ramp for re-fabricated
J12-5-D.DAT Mean diameter measurements before and after OSIRIS ramp
Summary.txt Summary report
QA report EDF irradiations
Review of CEA-Osiris Experiments
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  • Y. Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks

Keywords: cladding, experimental data, fission gas release, fuel elements, fuel pellets, fuel rods, irradiation, pressurized water reactor.