ReadMe.txt: Usage of CD-ROM for core characteristics database
report.pdf: Research document JNC TW9409 2003-001
figA-1.pdf: Structure of JOYO MK-II core characteristics database (Fig. A-1)
figA-2.pdf: File structure on CD-ROM for core characteristics database (Fig.
\CONFIG "Core configuration data":
address.pdf: Relationship between JOYO location nb and core address (Fig. 4-1)
fu_exc.pdf: MK-II core refueling history
config.xls: Core configurations for 0th to 35th cycles
00cyc.pdf: Core map for 0th cycle (performance test)
XXcyc.pdf: Core map for 1st cycle to 35th cycle
\CORE-CAR "Core characteristics data" (Excel and PDF files):
k-eff.*: Excess reactivity and burn-up reactivity coefficient
t-worth.*: Control rod total worth (Inverse kinetic method and period method)
cr-worth.*: Control rod worth (Fitting coefficients for calibration curve
temp.*: Isothermal reactivity coefficient
3cyc-temp.*: Isothermal reactivity coefficient in 3rd cycle
power.*: Power reactivity coefficient
\DYN-CHA "Reactor kinetic parameters": Effective delayed neutron fractions,
decay constants of precursors and prompt neutron lifetime (Excel and PDF files)
beta-eff.*: Effective delayed neutron fractions
ramda.*: Decay constants of precursors
lp.*: Prompt neutron lifetime in each cycle
\OUTPUT "Irradiation data": Neutron flux, gamma-ray flux, heat generation
density, power, linear heat rate, coolant flow, and temperature distribution
00cyc.txt: BOC and EOC of 0th cycle (performance test)
XXcyc.txt: BOC and EOC of 1st cycle to 35th cycle
\RAND "Subassembly library data": Composition, burn-up, burn-up ratio,
neutron fluence and cumulative power
-\BOC (beginning of core):
00cyc.txt: 0th cycle (performance test)
XXcyc.txt: 1st cycle to 35th cycle
-\EOC (end of core):
00cyc.txt: 0th cycle (performance test)
XXcyc.txt: 1st cycle to 35th cycle