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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
SATIF/CYCLO-RADSAFE | NEA-1694/04 | Arrived | 03-DEC-2008 |
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NEA-1694/04 | Many Computers |
The database contains reports on health physics and radiological safety aspects of cyclotron within the energy range 10-250 MeV:
Mukherjee B., Sartori E., A Database on Health Physics and Radiological Safety of Cyclotrons 10-250 MEV, SATIF-7 2004 Workshop, ITN, Lisbon, Portugal
Styen G.F., van Rooyen T. J., Binns P. J., Hough J. H., Nortier F. M., Mills S.J., Shield Design Calculations for a Radioisotope Production Target Bombardment Station, Proc.Targetry 1991 Workshop, PSI, Switzerland
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Vega-Carrillo H. R., Neutron energy spectra inside a PET cyclotron vault room, Nucl. Inst. Meth A 463 (2001) 375-386
Mukherjee B., Operational Health Physics Service during the Maintenance of the Australian National Medical Cyclotron, Proc. 9th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Sydney, Australia 1-6 May 1994
Mukherjee B., Parcell S., Transmission of Neutron and Gamma Radiation Fields along the Maze of a Cyclotron Vault, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 48(4) (1997) 453-457
Mukherjee B., Decay characteristics of the induced radioactivity in the target cave of a Medical Cyclotron, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 48(6) (1997) 735-738
Mukherjee B., A real-time positron monitor for the estimation of stack effluent releases from PET Medical Cyclotron facilities, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 57(12) (2002) 899-905
Azharul Islam S. M., Akramuzzaman M.M., Awal M.A., Nurul Islam M., A study of Neutron Shielding Properties of Some Multilayers containing Polyethylene, Appl. Radiat. Isot.44(8) (1993) 1161-1164
Sun R. K. S., Estimation of neutron dose equivalent at the mezannine of the advances light source and the laboratory boundary using the ORNL Program MORSE, HPhys. 59(6) (1990) 837-848
Olsher R. H., Hsu H.H., Harvey W.F., Benchmarking the MCNP Monte Carlo Code with a Photon Skyshine Experiment, Nucl. Sc. Engg. 114 (1993) 219-227
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Moritz L. E., Review of Proton Accelerator Shielding Problems, Proc. 1st specialists meeting of SATIF-1, Arlington, USA 28-29 April 1994
Hayashi, K., Sakamoto Y., Working Group of Accelerator Shielding, Survey of thick target neutron yield data and accelerator shelding experiments, Proc. 2nd specialists meeting of SATIF-2, Geneva, Switzerland, 12-13 October 1995
Shin K., Ishii Y., Uwamino Y., Sakai H., Numata S., Transmission of medium energy neutrons through concrete shields, Rad. Prot. Dosim. Vol.37, No. 3, pp. 175-178 (1991)
Sun R. K. S., Neutron skyshine from end stations of the continuous electron beam accelerator facility, Proc. Topical meeting on New Horizons in Rad. Protection and Shielding, Pasco, USA, 26 April-1 May 1992
Kurosawa T., Nakamura T., Kim U., Takada M., Hayashi Y., Morita T., Adachi Y., Radiation shielding for a small cyclotron for PET, Cyclotron and Radioisotopes Center, Tohoku university, Radioisotopes, Vol. 45, No. 11, Nov. 1996
Szlavik F. F., Activation of a 42 MeV Cyclotron, Proc. Mid year topical meeting of the Health Physics Society, Reno, USA, 9-11 June 1987
K. Kitao, T. Ohata, Gamma-ray Analysis on Radioactive Aerosol and Dust in the Machine Hall of a Cyclotron, HealthPhys. Pergamon Press 1971 Vol.21(Sept.) p. 475-479
Moritz L. E., Activation of a 500 MeV Cyclotron, Proc. Mid year topical meeting of the Health Physics Society, Reno, USA, 9-11 June 1987
Boothe T. E., McLeod T.F., Fernandez-Rubio F, Radiation safety aspects of production of commercial levels of medical radioisotopes, Nucl. Inst. Meth B 79 (1993) 945-948
IAEA, Properties of neutron sources, IAEA-TECDOC-410, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria
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Kenneth Shultis J., Faw R. E., Bassett M. S., The integral Line-Beam method for gamma skyshine analysis, Nucl. Sc. Engg. 107 (1991) 228-245
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D.R. Johnson, W.F. Ohnesorge, Yield, Energy and Angular Distributions of Neutrons Produced in Graphite, Copper and Tantalum Targets Irradiated with 63 MeV Protons, Atompraxis 14 Heft 4/5 1968 p.181-183
Hayashi K., Nakamura T., Evaluation of the Neutron Skyshine from a Cyclotron, Nucl. Sc. Engg. 87 (1984) 123-135
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Gui A. A., Kenneth Shultis J., Faw R. E., Neutron skyshine calculations with the integral Beam-Line method, Nucl. Sc. Engg. 127 (1997) 230-237
Shultis J. K., Hybrid Skyshine Calculations for Complex Neutron and Gamma-Ray Sources, Nucl. Sc. Engg. 136 (2000) 294-304
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Boothe T. E., McLeod T.F., Plitnikas M., Kinney D., Tavano E., Feijoo Y., Smith P., Szelecsenyi F., Commercial and PET radioisotope manufacturing with a medical cyclotron, Nucl. Inst. Meth B 79 (1993) 926-928
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Coutrakon G., Slater J. M., Ghebremedhin A., Design considerations for medical proton accelerators, Proc. IEEE Particle Accelerator Conf., New York 1999
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Keywords: cyclotron radiation, doses, shielding.