MT-5 G. Placzek and W.P. Seidel
Milne's Problem in Transport Theory.
(Physical Review, 72 (1947) 550-555)
MT-6 G. Placzek
The Angular Distribution of neutrons Emerging from a Plane Surface.
(Physical Review, 72(1947)556-558)
MT-7 G. Placzek
Boundary Conditions in Elementary Diffusion Theory. (Not issued)
MT-13 G. Placzek and G.M. Volkoff
A Theorem on Neutron Multiplication
(Canadian Journal of Research, A25 (1947) 276-292)
MT-20 G. Placzek
Diffusion of Neutrons without Velocity Change. (Not Issued)
MT-50 J.C. Mark
The Neutron Density Near a Plane surface II.
(Phys Rev 72 (1947) 558-564)
MT-52 R.E. Marshak
Black Utilization. (Not Issued)
MT-55 R.E. Marshak
The Application of Variational Theory to the Determination of Asymptotic Neutron Densities.
(Phys Rev 71 (1947) 688-693)
MT-56 J.C. Mark,
Constants and Expansions of Wiener-Hopf Method. (Not Issued)
MT-65 G. Placzek
Report on Research in Theoretical Physics Feb. to July 15/44. (Not Issued)
MT-66 F.T. Adler and J.C. Mark
Milne's Problem with Capture. (Not Issued)
MT-89 B. Davison
A remark on the Variational Method.
(Physical Rev. 71(1947)694-697)
MT-97 J.C. Mark
The Spherical Harmonic Method, II. (Re-issued as CRT-338)
Also AECL-490 (1958)
MT-106 P.R. Wallace
Moments of the Angular Distribution in the Asymptotic Region
(Canadian Journal of Research A26(1948)99-114)
MT-119 J. LeCaine
Milne's problem with capture II.
(Canadian Journal of Research A28(1950)242)
MT-202 (Anon)
Efficiency ofControl Rods Absorbing Thermal Neutrons Only. (Not Issued)
MT-223 E.D. Courant and P.R. Wallace
Fluctuations of the number of Neutrons in a Pile.
(Physical Rev. 72(1947)1037-1048)
NEA-1706/03, included references:
- G. Placzek:
The Functions of En(x)=Integral(e-xuu-ndu){1,infinity} (MT-1)
- G. Placzek and G.M. Volkoff:
Notes on Diffusion of Neutrons without Change in Energy. (MT-4)
- P.R. Wallace and J. LeCaine:
Elementary Approximation in the Theory of Neutron Diffusion (Nucleonics
4(2),30-35, 4(3), 48-67, 1949) (MT-12)
- G.M. Volkoff:
Analysis of Experimental Data on the Slowing-Down and Thermal Diffusion
Lengths in Carbon (MT-14)
- P.R. Wallace :
Neutron Distribution in Adjoining Piles of Slightly Different Properties (MT-15)
- G. Placzek:
The Neutron Density Near a Plane Surface, I. (MT-16)
- R.E. Marshak:
On the Slowing Down Length of Neutrons in Water. (MT-17)
- R.E. Marshak:
On The Moments of the Distribution Function of Neutrons Slowed Down
in Heavy Elements. (MT-18)
- R.E. Marshak:
On The Slowing Down Length of Neutrons in Mixtures. (MT-19)
G.M. Volkoff :
Critical Conditions for a Multiplying Spherical Core with
an Infinite Reflector of the Same Scattering Properties. (MT-21)
- J.C. Mark :
Milne's Problem for Anisotropic Scattering. (MT-26)
- J. LeCaine :
Critical Radius of a Strongly Multiplying Sphere
Surrounded by a Non-Multiplying Infinite Medium. (MT-29)
- J. LeCaine and G.M. Volkoff :
Application of 'Synthetic' Kernels to the Study of Critical
Conditions in a Multiplying Sphere with an Infinite Reflector. (MT-30)
- P.R. Wallace :
Boundary Conditions at Thin Absorbing Shells and Plates. (MT-34)
- P.R. Wallace :
Neutron Distribution in a Multiplying Exponential Pile with a Plane Source.
- G.M. Volkoff :
Critical Radius of a Multiplying Spherical Core Surrounded
by a non-Multplying Reflector of Finite Thickness (MT-38)
- E.D. Courant :
Production and Consumption of Fissile Materials in One
Arrangement of a Producing Unit. (MT-40)
- R.E. Marshak and W.P. Seidel :
Milne's Problem for a Sphere. (MT-49)
- R.E. Marshak :
A Rigorous formula for the slowing down Length in an Element of Arbitrary
Mass. (MT-53)
- R.E. Marshak:
On the Slowing Down Length of Neutrons in Water: Supplement to MT-17.
- E.D. Courant :
Measurements in Finite System of the Total Number of Neutrons in an Infinite
System (MT-59)
- P.R. Wallace :
On the Thermal Utilization of Plates in the Presence of Linear Anisotropic
Scattering (MT-63)
- E.D. Courant :
Diffusion Equations and Critical Conditions in a Medium with Varying Mean
Free Path (MT-67)
- F.T. Adler :
Theory of the Diffuse Reflection of Neutrons by a Plane Surface
of a Semi-infinite Capturing Medium (MT-72)
- B. Davison :
Influence of a Small Black Sphere Upon the Neutron Density
In an Infinite Non- Capturing Medium. (MT-88)
- J. Stewart and G.M. Volkoff :
Estimates of Critical Volume of Polymer for Pilot Plant Under Various
Conditions (MT-91)
- J.C. Mark :
The Spherical Harmonic Method, I. (MT-92)
- B. Davison :
Influence of a Large Black Sphere Upon the Neutron Density
in an Infinite Non-Capturing Medium. (MT-93)
- P.R. Wallace: Effect of Scattering on the Capturing Properties of
Plates and Spheres. (MT-107)
- B. Davison :
Angular Distribution due to an Isotropic Point Source and
Spherically Symmetrical Eigensolutions of the Transport Equation. (MT-112)
- B. Davison and G.Placzek :
Milne's Problem with Capture and Production. (MT-118)
- B. Davison :
Large Spherical Hole In a Slightly Capturing Medium. (MT-124)
- J. LeCaine :
A Table of Integrals Involving the Functions En(x) (MT-131)
- B. Davison :
Influence of a Large Black Cylinder Upon the Neutron Density
in an Infinite Non-Capturing Medium. (MT-135)
- B. Davison :
Neutron Density at the Centre of a Small Spherical Cavity. (MT-136)
- E.A. Guggenheim:
Compressible flow of perfect gas with heat input distributed symmetrically
about middle of channel. (MT-137)
- M.H.L. Pryce:
The Critical Size of a Multiplying system Surrounded
by a Reflector of Different Scattering Properties. (MT-150)
- M.H.L. Pryce:
The Evaluation of the Life Time of a Radioactive Substance
from a Small Number of Observations. (MT-151
- E.D. Courant :
Requirements for the Maintenance of Critical Conditions
with Changing Material Constants. (MT-164)
- E.A.Guggenheim, M.H.L.Pryce and G.M. Volkoff :
Thermal Utilization in Some Systems having Axial Symmetry. (MT-166)
- P.R. Wallace and B. Carlson :
Determination of 'f' for spheres. (MT-169)
- E.D. Courant :
On Seeding Depleted Piles. (MT-173)
- J.M.G. Fell and G.M.Volkoff :
Capture of Neutrons by Cylindrical Absorbing Rods Placed Around a Pile.
- J.M.G. Fell :
A Note on the Temperature Distribution Inside Uranium Rods
with Variable Heat Source Density and Variable Conductivity. (MT-197)
- E.A.Guggenheim and M.H.L.Pryce :
Fast Fission in Tubes. (MT-199)
- F.T. Adler : Reduction of the Two-Group Model to an Equivalent
One-Group Model. (MT-201)
- B.Davison, W.P. Seidel and S.Kushneriuk :
Influence of a Small Black Cylinder Upon the Neutron Density
in an Infinite Non-Capturing Medium. (MT-207)
- M.Goldstein and E.A.Guggenheim :
Effect of Xenon Poisoning on Uranium-Graphite Piles. (MT-208)
- B.Davison and S.Kushneriuk :
Linear Extrapolation Length for a Black Sphere and a Black Cylinder (MT-214)
- E.A. Guggenheim :
Thermal Utilization in a System Con-taining Two Moderators. (MT-220)
- V.H. Rumsey and G.M.Volkoff:
Diffusion Theory Expressions for the Thermal Utilization Factor f
in Cells with Slab, Cylindrical and Spherical Geometry (MT-221)
- F.T. Adler :
Efficiency of Control Rods as a function of their Position
in a Cylindrical Pile in the One-Group Picture. (MT-222)
- B. Davison :
Influence of an Air Gap Surrounding a Small Black Sphere upon
the Linear Extrapolation Length of the Neutron Density
in the Surrounding Medium. (MT-232)
- H.H. Clayton :
Critical Laplacian and Neutron Densities in the NRX Pile. (MT-240)
- H.H. Clayton :
Fate of Neutrons in NRX Pile and Production Rates of 49 and 23. (MT-241)
- M.Goldstein, M.Wales, A.S.Lodge :
Fast Fission In Tubes: A Numerical Supplement to MT-199. (MT-242)
- A.S. Lodge :
The Temperature Distribution in an Infinite Medium due to a Spatially
Uniform Plane Source of Heat (MT-243)
- B. Davison :
Linear Extrapolation Length for the Neutron Density
at the Surface of a Large Hollow Cylindrical Shaft (MT-245)
- J.M.G. Fell :
Effect of the Presence of Fast Neutrons on the Utilization
of Neutrons by Absorbing Rods Around a Pile. (MT-249)
- R. Peierls:
On the Possibility of a Slow-Neutron Chain Reaction. (1940) (MS-1)
- R. Peierls:
Speed of Reaction in a Chain Reactor with Slow Neutrons. (1940) (MS-2)
- R. Peierls:
The Effect of Expansion of the Sphere. (1940) (MS-8)
- M.H.L. Pryce:
Critical Conditions in Neutron Multiplication. (1943) (MS-P2a)
- K. Fuchs :
Effect of a Scattering Container on the Critical Radius and Time Constant.
(1943) (MS-85)
- A.H. Wilson :
A Comparison of the Approximate Methods of Calculating the Critical
Size of a Sphere. (1944) (MS-89)
- B. Davison and K. Fuchs:
The Critical Radius and the Time Constant of a Sphere
Embedded in a Spherical Scattering Container. (Nov.1943) (MS-97)
- B. Davison:
Critical Radius for a Hemisphere with a One-Sided Infinite Container.
(Nov. 1944) (MS-100)
- A.H. Wilson:
The Effect of Small Departures from the Spherical Shape upon the Critical
Size and Time Constant of a Sphere. (March 1944) (MS-102)
- A.H. Wilson:
The General Properties of the Transport Equation and its Use in Determining
the Multiplication in Bodies Having Spherical Symmetry.
(Jan. 1944) (MS-105)
- A.H. Wilson:
The Effect of Inelastic Scattering on the Multiplication in a Sphere.
(Jan. 1944) (MS-106)
- H. Fairbrother:
The Critical Size and Time Constant of a Spheroid. (June 1944) (MS-111)
- P.D. Preston and B. Davison:
Critical Radius of a Hemisphere Completely Surrounded by a Container.
(July 1944) (MS-112)
- A.H. Wilson:
A New Method of Determining the Time Constant of a Sphere in a Container.
(Aug. 1944) (MS-115)
- P.A.M. Dirac:
Approximate Rate of Neutron Multiplication for a Solid of Arbitrary Shape
and Uniform Density, Parts I and II (1944) (MS-D5)
- H. Castle, H. Ibser, G. Sacher and A.M. Weinberg:
The effect of fast fission on k (May 4th, 1943) (CP-644)
- Bengt Carlson :
The Serber-Wilson Method Formulae and Computation Methods. (LA-756)
- R.E. Marshak: Some neutron diffusion problems. (September 11, 1946)
- R.F. Christy :
Theoretical Discussion of a Small Homogeneous Enriched Reactor.
(June 18, 1946) (MDDC-72)
- C.Mark:
Terms in an Expansion of the Wiener-Hopf Solution of Milne's Equation
for Small Values of the Argument (October 25, 1943) (TPI-5)
- George Volkoff :
TL-1 to TL-6 Volkoff Lectures on Reactor Physics, 1944
- A.H. Wilson:
The Effect of Anisotropic Scattering on the Multiplication in a Sphere.
(July 1944) (MS-113)
- G. Placzek:
Energy Conversion Factors and Nuclear Constants (MT-51)
- T.H.R. Skyrme:
A Reduction in Neutron Density Caused by an Absorbing Disc.
(1944) (MS-91)
- Letter by Alvin Weinberg with comments and historical background (8 September