Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks and Safety Joint Projects
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IRPhE/STEK, Reactor Physics Experiments from Fast-Thermal Coupled Facility

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Program name Package id Status Status date
IRPHE/STEK NEA-1714/02 Arrived 02-SEP-2024

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NEA-1714/02 Many Computers
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The STEK-experiments have been performed to check neutron data of the most important reactor materials, especially of fission product nuclides, fuel isotopes and structural materials. The measured central reactivity worths (CRW) of small samples were compared with calculated values. These C/E-ratios have been used then for data corrections or in adjustment procedures.


The reactors STEK (ECN Petten/ Netherlands) was a fast-thermal coupled facility of zero power. The annular thermal drivers were filled by fuel assemblies and moderated by water. The inner insertion lattices were loaded with pellets of fuel and other materials producing the fast neutron flux. The characteristics of the neutron and adjoint spectra were obtained by special arrangements of these pellets in unit cells. In this way, a hard or soft neutron spectrum or a special energy behavior of the adjoint function could be reached. The samples were moved by means of tubes to the central position (pile-oscillation technique). The original information about the facility and measurements is compiled in RCN-209, ECN-10


The 5 STEK configurations cover a broad energy range due to their increasing softness. The experiments are very valuable because of the extensive program of sample reactivity measurements with many fission product nuclides important in reactor burn-up calculations.


At first, analyses of the experiments have been performed in Petten. Newer analyses were done later in Cadarache / CEA France using the European scheme for reactor calculation JEF-2.2 / ECCO / ERANOS (see Note Techniques and JEF/DOC-746). Furthermore, re-analyses were performed in O-arai / JNC Japan with the JNC standard route JENDL-3.2 / SLAROM / CITATION / PERKY. Results obtained with both code systems and different data evaluations (JEF-2.2 and JENDL-3.2) are compared in JEF/DOC-861.


In September 2024: reports RCN-74-101, RCN-75-087, RCN-75-094, RCN-76-011 and RCN-232 were added.


IRPhE/STEK contains the following documents:




  • Compiled by J. Coehoorn, Build-up fast-thermal core: STEK 4000

  • STEK Sample Data Sheets

  • J. Coehoorn, H. Th. Klippel, F. M. de Meulemeester, J. Smit, J. W. N. Tuyn, E. Tuerkcan, J. J. Veenema, C. A. Verspuy, Measurements and calculations on thermal, Argonaut type, cores in the STEK-facility at Petten, RCN-118
    - M. Bustraan, J. Coehoorn, J. B. Dragt, R. J. Heijboer, J. Montizaan, A. P. J. Mos, T. D. Oei, J. W. N. Tuyn, J. J. Veenema, STEK, the Fast-Thermal Coupled Facility of RCN at Petten, RCN-122

  • Dalfes, E. Tuerkcan, J.B. Dragt, Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Fast-Thermal Coupled Reactor by Correlation Techniques, RCN-132

  • Compiled by M. Bustraan, Determination of Effective Cross Sections of Fission Products for Fast Breeders in the Fast-Thermal Coupled Critical Reactor STEK, RCN-150

  • H. Th. Klippel, J. Smit, The Coupled Fast-Thermal Critical Facility STEK, RCN-209

  • J.H. Baard, Activity Values of the Foils in the STEKSPEC-2000 Irradiation, RCN-74-101

  • E. Tuerkcan, J. B. Dragt, Studies of Neutronic coupling by Reactor Noise Analysis in the Time Domain for Facilities of RCN, RCN-218

  • J.H. Baard, W.L. Zijp, H.J. Nolthenius, Neutron Metrology in STEK - The Neutron Spectrum in STEK-4000, determined with the SAND-II Technique, RCN-75-087

  • W.L. Zijp, J.H. Baard, H.J. Nolthenius, Neutron Metrology in STEK - The Neutron Spectrum in STEK-500, determined with the SAND-II Technique, RCN-75-094

  • W.L. Zijp, H.J. Nolthenius, J.H. Baard, Neutron Spectra in STEK facility, determined with the SAND-II Activation Technique, RCN-232

  • W.L. Zijp, J.H. Baard, H.J. Nolthenius, Neutron Metrology in STEK - The Neutron Spectrum in STEK-2000, determined with the SAND-II Technique, RCN-76-011

  • J. J. Veenema, A. J. Janssen, Small-Sample Reactivity Worths of Fission Product Isotopes and some other materials measured in STEK, ECN-10

  • R. J. Heijboer,A. J. Janssen, Pseudo Fission-Product Cross Sections for a Fast Breeder Reactor, ECN-11

  • H. Gruppelaar, A. J. Janssen, J. W. M. Dekker, Intercomparison of recent evaluations for the capture cross-sections of some fission-product nuclides, ECN-12

  • H. Gruppelaar, Tables of RCN-2 fission-Product Cross Section Evaluation Volume 1 (24 nuclides), ECN-13

  • J. W. M. Dekker, Tables and Figures of adjusted and unadjusted capture group cross sections based on the RCN-2 evaluation and Integral measurements in STEK, Volume 1, ECN-14

  • T. D. Oei, J. W. M. Dekker, W. H. J. Quaadvliet, Time-of-flight measurements in STEK, ECN-19

  • H. Gruppelaar and J. W. M. Dekker, Impact of the integral measurement s on the capture cross section evaluations of individual fission product isotopes, ECN-24

  • J. Montizaan, H. Ames, Fast neutron spectrum measurements with a proton recoil spectometer in the fast-thermal coupled critical facility STEK, ECN-26

  • M. Bustraan, J. W. M. Dekker, R. J. Heijboer, A. J. Janssen, Integral determination of fission product neutron capture cross sections for application in fast reactors, ECN-27

  • J. W. M. Dekker and H. Ch. Rieffe, Adjusted capture cross sections of fission product nuclides from STEK reactivity worths and CFRMF activation data, ECN-28

  • J. W. M. Dekker, Tables and figures of adjusted and unadjusted capture group cross sections based on the RCN-2 evaluation and integral measurements in STEK, Volume 2, ECN-30

  • H. Gruppelaar, Evaluated neutron cross sections of natural molybdenum, ECN-40

  • J. W. M. Dekker, Tables and figures of adjusted and unadjusted capture group cross sections based on the RCN-2 evaluation and integral measurements in STEK, Volume 3, ECN-54

  • J. W. M. Dekker and H. Ch. Rieffe, Adjusted capture cross sections of fission-productnuclides from STEK reactivity worths and CFRMF activation data, ECN-55

  • H. Gruppelaar, Tables of RCN-2 fission-product cross section evaluation, Volume 3 (Nd and Pm isotopes), ECN-65

  • H. A. J. van der Kamp, Measurements of spectrum indices and traverses of fission rates in the STEK cores, ECN-69

  • G. Delfini, H. Gruppelaar, Maximum-likehood analysis of resolved resonance parameters for 18 fission-product nuclides, ECN-82

  • J. Janssen, H. Gruppelaar, R. J. Heijboer, N. Karouby-Cohen, L. Martin-Deidier, G. Rimpault, M. Salvatores, Integral-data test of JEF-1 fission-product cross sections, ECN-176

  • R. Fabianelli, -Programme "Produit de Fission" STEK (Petten), -Note No.1: Caracteristiques des coeurs 4000 - 3000 - 2000 et 1000, -Tables 3a through 3q: Results of reactivity worth measurements in STEK-1000 core (rho-o = 0.073 cent/g), -Addendum to Results of reactivity worth measurements in STEK-1000 (new samples and repacked samples) 3 pages, -Table 5: MeasuredReactivity worths per gram in STEK-4000 and STEK-1000. 2 pages, -Tableau III-1 , 1 page, -Calculated STEK Spectra, 1 page graph, -Calculated Adjoint group Fluxes: 1 page graph, Note technique SECPR/LPFR/73/50

  • Meister, -Comparison of sample reactivity worths measured in the STEK-facility with data calculated from the JEF2.2 nuclear data library, Note Technique

  • Meister, Modelling and calculation of the STEK-facility with ECCO, ERANOS, and JEF2.2O, Note Technique

  • Meister, G. Rimpault, Comparison of sample reactivity worths measured in the STEK-facility with data calculated from the JEF-2.2 nuclear data library, PART 2, Note Technique

  • M. Kawai, H. Gruppelaar, Evaluation Method of Inelastic Scattering Cross-Sections for Weakly Absorbing Fission-Product Nuclides, A report by the Working Party on International Evaluation Co-operation of the NEA Nuclear Science Committee, NEA/WPEC-10




  • J. B. Dragt, J. W. M. Dekker, H. Gruppelaar, A. J. Janssen, Methods of Adjustment and Error Evaluation of Neutron Capture Cross Sections; Application to Fission Product Nuclides, NSE62, 117-129

  • Energy Spectrum, 78/9




  • J. Janssen, H. Gruppelaar, N. Karouby-Cohen, L. Martin-Deidier, G. Rimpault, M. Salvatores, Integral Test of JEF-1 Fission Product Cross Sections, Part 1: Most Important Nuclides, ECN-FYS-STEK-Memo-125, JEFDOC-50

  • A.J. Janssen, H. Gruppelaar, N. Karouby-Cohen, L. Martin-Deidier, G. Rimpault, M. Salvatores, Integral test of JEF-I fission-product cross sections. Part 2: Second series of nuclides, (Contr. to the J'ZF Users' group meeting, December II, 1984), JEF/DOC-67

  • A.J. Janssen and H. Gruppelaar, N.Karouby-Cohen, M. Salvatores, Integral test of JEF-I cross-sections for important fission products, Vol.3 (preprint of abstract, conclusions, tables and figures,presented at the JEF meeting, February 1985), JEF/DOC-85

  • Meister, JEFF Working Group Meeting, NEA Paris, -Analysis of the sample oscillation measurements in the STEK-facility using JEF-2.2 data, -STEK-1000, preliminary results (3 pages: Bnat -U-236), C/E Values (CEA), - Ideas for Measurements and Table from JEF-DOC-746, 5 pages, C/E Values (CEA) JEFDOC-746

  • K. Dietze, M. Ishikawa, G. Rimpault, Integral Test of Neutron Data and Comparison of Codes by Re-analysis of the SEG and STEK Experiments Submitted to the JEFF Working Group Meeting, Aix-en-Provence, JEFF / DOC - 861




  • K. Dietze, E. Fort, S. Rahlfs, G. Rimpault, M. Salvatores, JEF-2 Data Check by Reanalysis of the ROSSENDORF Experiments in Reactor Configurations with Specially Designed Adjoint Spectra, Int. Conf on Nucl. Data for Sci. and Techn., Gatlinburg, Proc. Vol.2, p.789

  • M. Kawai, S. Chiba, T. Nakagawa, Y. Nakajima, T. Watanabe, A. Zukeran, M. Salvatores, K. Dietze, H. Gruppelaar, A. Hogenbirk, R. Q. Wrightt, R. E. Schenter, NEANSC International Evaluation Cooperation SG10 Activities on Inelastic Scattering Cross-Sections for Weakly Absorbing Fission Product Nuclides, Int. Conf. on Nucl. Data for Sci. and Techn., Gatlinburg

  • K. Dietze, Integral Test of JENDL-3.2 Data by Re-analysis of Sample Reactivity Measurements at SEG and STEK Facilities, JAERI-Conf-2001-006, INDC(JPN)-188/U

  • H. Gruppelaar, R. J. Heijboer, A. J. Janssen, H. A. J. van der Kamp, N. Karouby-Cohen, L. Martin-Deidier, G. Rimpault and M. Salvatores, Integral test of fission-product cross sections, Contr. to the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied Science, Santa Fe, NM, May 13-17, 1985, JEF/DOC-97, ECN-85-062


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IRPhE-RRR-SEG Experiments.


STEK and RRR-SEG were similar in construction. The main differences between them consist in the construction materials and geometry of pellets; i.e., stainless steel and square pellets in STEK, but pure aluminum for the cylindrical SEG and oscillation tube and circular pellets.

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Package ID Status date Status
NEA-1714/02 02-SEP-2024 Masterfiled restricted
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No specified programming language
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      Dr. Klaus DIETZE
      European Commission
      Joint Research Centre
      Institute for Energy
      Westerduinweg 3, Postbus 2
      NL-1755 ZG Petten
      The Netherlands


      Mr. Henk Th. KLIPPEL
      Reactor Physics Analysis
      Postbus 25
      NL-1755 ZG PETTEN
      The Netherlands


      Dr. Arjan KONING
      NRG Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group
      Building 34.213
      Westerduinweg 3, P.O. Box 25
      NL-1755 ZG PETTEN
      The Netherlands


      Dr. Robert JACQMIN
      CEA Cadarache
      DEN/SER/SPRC/LEPH - Bat 230
      F-13108 St.-Paul-lez-Durance

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  • Y. Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks

Keywords: database, experiment, fast reactors, fission, fuel assemblies, fuels, lattice, thermal reactors.