The presentations made at the two workshops sponsored by the NEA Data Bank on 11.IX.2005 at Avignon, in conjunction with the M&C-2005 Topical have been collected and made available for the MCNP and TRIPOLI users:
I. Advances in Monte Carlo Criticality Calculations
This workshop focussed on recent advances in methods, codes, and data for Monte Carlo criticality calculations, and was structured as follows:
- Introduction
- Entropy of the Fission Source Distribution
- Mesh Tallies for Reactor Applications
- Nuclear Data for MCNP
- Monte Carlo Power Iteration & Weilandt Method
- HTGR Modeling & Stochastic Geometry
II. Tripoli-IV
- Introduction to TRIPOLI-4 :
- Software description :
- Main basic features :
- Physics data libraries :
- Acceleration / save time strategies : (Biasing, Green functions, Coupling core / excore calculations, Perturbations, Parallelism)
- Validation : (Shielding, Core physics, Criticality, Dosimetry/ instrumentation)
- Some examples of studies with TRIPOLI-4,
- Future : R&D