Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks and Safety Joint Projects
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IFPE/AEKI-EDB-E110, Experimental Database of E110 Claddings under Accident Conditions

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Program name Package id Status Status date
IFPE/AEKI-EDB-E110 NEA-1799/02 Arrived 16-JAN-2023

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Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
NEA-1799/02 Many Computers
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Experimental series have been performed at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute (AEKI) with E110 and Zircaloy claddings. The aims of these experiments were to study and to compare the mechanical properties of the cladding materials and to investigate the effect of oxidation and hydrogen uptake on the mechanical performance of the claddings under accident conditions. The objectives have been achieved through separate effect tests with well defined conditions.


The main results of the tests have been collected into the Experimental Database of E110 Claddings under Accident Conditions. The database involves the data of several experimental series in the following main directories:


- Cladding ballooning tests (more than 170 tube tests).

- Tensile tests with tube and sheet specimens (more than 100 samples).

- Oxidation tests between 500-120°C.

- Ring compression tests (more than 100 samples).


Most of the tests were carried out with E110 cladding, but several experimental points were produced with Zircaloy-4 cladding as well for comparison purposes. The database includes not only the on-line measured data, but the results of post-test examinations (visual observations, metallographic analysis, SEM analysis). Experimental technical reports and some selected papers describing the test are also available in the database.


The AEKI experimental data on cladding behaviour under accident conditions has been used already in several international projects for the development and validation of transient fuel behaviour codes (TRANSURANUS, FRAP-T6).

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Package ID Status date Status
NEA-1799/02 16-JAN-2023 Masterfiled restricted
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NEA-1799/02, included references:
- L. Matus, Z. Hozer, L. Vasaros: Some experimental results on hydrogen
cladding material interactions, Paper presented at the Enlarged Halden
Programme Group Meeting (Lillehammer, Norway, 11-16 March 2001)
- Cs. Gyori, Z. Hozer, L. Maroti, L. Matus: VVER Ballooning Experiments,
presented at the Enlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting (Lillehammer, Norway,
15-20 March 1998)
- A. Griger, L. Maroti, L. Matus and P. Windberg: Ambient and high temperature
mechanical properties of ZrNb1 cladding with different oxygen and hydrogen
content, presented at the Enlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting (24-29 May
1999, Loen)
- J. Frecska, L. Matus, L. Vasaros: Hydrogen Uptake of Zr1%Nb Cladding by Steam
Oxidation during Loss of Coolant Accident, IAEA Coordinated Research Project
Contract No.: 9284/R0 (Sept.1997)
- L. Matus, L. Vasaros and Z. Hozer: Experimental Results on the interactions
between Hydrogen and Zirconium Claddings (KFKI-2001-02/G Report)
- Z. Hozer, L. Matus, M. Horvath, L. Vasaros, A. Griger, L. Maroti: Ring
Compression Tests with Oxidised and Hydrided ZR1%Nb and Zircaloy-4 Claddings
(KFKI-2002-01/G Report)
- J. Frecska, G. Konczos, L. Maroti, L. Matus: Oxidation and Hydriding of
ZR1%Nb Alloys by Steam (KFKI-1995-17/G Report)
- L. Vasaros and L. Matus: Steam Oxidation of Zr-Alloys with H Content Release
of Absorbed Hydrogen, presented at the 5th International QUENCH Workshop
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe October 19-21, 1999)
- L. Matus and L. Vasaros: Hydrogen Release Kinetics during Steam Oxidation of
Zr1%Nb and Zircaloy-4, presented at the 6th International QUENCH Workshop
(Forschungzentrum Karlsruhe, October 10-12, 2000)
- Z. Hozer, L. Maroti, L. Matus and P. Windberg: Experiments With VVER Fuels to
Confirm Safety Criteria (TopFuel 2001 P2-14)
- E. Perez-Fero, Z. Hozer, P. Windberg, I. Nagy, A. Vimi, N. Ver, L. Matus, M.
Kunstar, T. Novotny, M. Horvath, Cs. Gyori: Behavior of Zr1%Nb Fuel Cladding
under Accident Conditions, Proceedings of the 2007 International LWR Fuel
Performance Meeting (San Francisco, California, September 30 - October 3, 2007,
Paper 1018)
- E. Perez-Fero, L. Vasaros, Cs. Gyori, P. Windberg, Z. Hozer, M. Horvath, I.
Nagy, A. Pinter-Csordas, E. Szabo: Experimental Database of E110 Cladding Alloy
Oxidized in Hydrogen Rich Steam, AEKI-FRL-2005-479-01/02-M1, Budapest,
September 2006
- E. Perez-Fero, Cs. Gyori, L. Matus, L. Vasaros, Z. Hozer, P. Windberg, L.
Maroti, M. Horvath, I. Nagy, A. Pinter-Csordas, T. Novotny: COHYRA - Zr
Cladding Oxidation in Hydrogen Rich Atomosphere, Experimental Database of E110
Claddings under Accident Conditions, AEKI-FRL-2007-123-01/01, Budapest,
November 2007
- Cs. Gyori, M. Horvath, Z. Hozer, L. Matus, I. Nagy, O. Prokopiev, P.
Windberg: Experimental Database of Zr1%Nb Cladding Alloy for Model Development
and Code Validation, Extra Project FIKS-CT2001-00173 (August, 2002)
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No specified programming language
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E. Perez-Fero, Cs. Gyori, L. Matus, L. Vasaros, Z. Hozer, P. Windberg, L. Maroti, M. Horvath, I. Nagy, A. Pinter-Csordas, T. Novotny

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute

P.O.Box 49

Konkoly Thege M. út 29/33

H-1525 Budapest


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Cladding ballooning tests (more than 170 tube tests)
Tensile tests with tube and sheet specimens (more than 100 samples)
Oxidation tests between 500-1200?C
Ring compression tests (more than 100 samples)
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  • Y. Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks

Keywords: E110 cladding, accident conditions, fuel performance, nuclear fuels, zircaloy.