The Light Water Lattice Data compilation of benchmarks edited by Enrico Bernocchi and Renato Martinelli in 1977, denoted also as NEACRP-U-190, contains 317 different benchmark cases. This original collection (denoted as LWL in the following) contains data from different critical, sub-critical and exponential experiments performed in a variety of laboratories around the world. Each benchmark case is described only with its basic lattice data and related experimental results. Original source of data (references) are also reported. The purpose of this collection was to provide a list of experimental data for validation of different unit cell calculation tools developed in the 70's. As a consequence, data collected in the LWL report are not complete benchmark reports. The reports are in particular limited only to two dimensions, which are needed to model unit cells. In addition, several parameters - such as burnup and temperature effects - are outside the scope of the experiments reported in LWL compilation. Data sheets for a majority of the cases were filled by the editors (Bernocchi and Martinelli) and not by the benchmark authors or evaluators. The editors used the data taken from literature to fill this report.
U-235 enrichments vary from 1.311 to 5.742%
Pu content varies from 1.5, 2.0. 4.0 and 25%
Measured parameters reported are:
- Critical number of fuel rods,
- Radial and axial reflector savings,
- Radial, axial and material buckling,
- Ratio of epi-cadmium to sub-cadmium neutron capture rates in U-238,
- Ratio of fission rate in U-238 to fission rate in U-235,
- Thermal disadvantage factor (ratio of the average thermal neutron activation of selected material in moderator to that in fuel),
- Ratio of effective delayed neutron fraction to prompt neutron generation time,
- Temperature coefficient of reactivity,
- Modified conversion ratio (ratio of neutron capture rate in U-238 to fission rate in U-235),
- Initial conversion ratio,
- Ratio of epi-cadmium to sub-cadmium fission rates in U-235,
- Ratios of total to epi-cadmium fission rates in U-235 and in U-238.