Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks and Safety Joint Projects
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EACRP-D2O-LATTICES, Compilation of reactor physics measurements in HWRs lattices

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Program name Package id Status Status date
EACRP-D2O-LATTICES NEA-1875/01 Arrived 14-DEC-2012

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
NEA-1875/01 Many Computers
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The Heavy Water Lattice Data compilation with identification EACRP-L-42 was collected and prepared by European American Committee on Reactor Physics between the years 1958 and 1963. Original collection (denoted as HWL in the following) contains data from critical and exponential experiments performed in a variety of laboratories in different European countries, Canada and in the USA. The experiments listed in this document were performed in the late 50's and early 60's. Benchmarks are grouped according to their origin (laboratory and facility, where they were performed) and lattice type. Each benchmark group from one series of experiments is documented only briefly on one benchmark description sheet. Data reported on the sheets are short fuel assembly description, lattice description, fuel and lattice diagrams and experimental results. Each sheet usually contains several individual benchmark cases, with different lattice pitches and experimental conditions. Original source of data (references) are also reported. The quality of reproduction of these sheets is sometimes low (low PDF resolution). So the details of fuel assembly and lattice diagrams on some sheets are not visible. To reconstruct these benchmarks additional "data mining" in old (sometimes hard to access) journals has to be performed. Some references point only to internal documents of the laboratories which performed these experiments. The HWL compilation includes 253 benchmark configurations in total, including 3 incomplete benchmarks and 250 complete and finished benchmarks. These configurations have often several cases with different lattice pitches. In total this compilation includes over 700 different individual benchmark cases. The HWL compilation of lattice benchmarks is more extensive and contains more benchmarks compared to the Light Water Lattice (LWL) compilation (NEACRP-H2O-LATTICES).

A selected set of benchmarks are modeled and calculated in unit-cell (pin-cell or cluster) approximation using the WIMSD code. A pin-cell is a single fuel pin with associated cladding and coolant, in an array of identical pin-cells.

The report contains the following data by country of origin:
Country            Number of Lattices
( C) Canada              17
(CH) Switzerland          4
(DK) Denmark              8
(EUR) Euratom             5
(F) France 1              4
(G) Germany              12
(I) Italy                 4
(IL) Israe              l 1
(N) Norway                8
(S) Sweden               15
(UK) United Kingdom       5
(USA) United States     157
(YU) Yugoslavia           1
Total                   251

Benchmarks grouped according to their fuel type and uranium enrichment
Uranium enrichment     Nb of benchmarks   Nb of benchmarks with
& Fuel type                               experimental buckling

Natural uranium metal         131            125
Natural uranium oxide          88             82
Natural uranium               219            207
Enriched uranium metal    1 (+ 3)              1
Enriched uranium oxide         16             15
Enriched uranium         17 (+ 3)             16
Thorium & uranium oxide        10              0
Mixed fuel (different rods)     4              0
Other fuel types               14              0
Total                   250 (+ 3)            223

Benchmarks with enriched uranium fuels and with fuels other than natural uranium
Fuel type             Nb of benchmarks    Benchmarks with   Cases with
and enrichment                            exp. Buckling     exp. Buckling

Above natural
and up to 2% enrichment        9                9                9
Uranium metal                  0                0                0
Uranium oxide                  9                9                9

Between 2% and 3% enrichment   8                7               15
Uranium metal                  1                1                9
Uranium oxide                  7                6                6

Other fuel types              14                0                0
UO2 lattice with added         4                0                0
Pu-Al rods
(nat. U and 1.8% Pu in Al)
Lattices w/ThO2 and UO2 fuel  10                0                0
(2%, 4% and 6.7% enriched U)

Total                         31               16               24

Benchmarks given according to their types and fuel types
Type of experiment         Natural U  Enriched U   Other fuel types   Total
Critical                      86          17          12               115
Critical substitution        101           0           2               103
Subcritical                   21           0           0                21
Subcritical substitution      11           0           0                11
Total                        219          17          14               250

This information was assembled, reviewed and released in the framework of the Reactor Physics Committee activities of the OECD/NEA.
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Package ID Status date Status
NEA-1875/01 14-DEC-2012 Masterfiled Arrived
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NEA-1875/01, included references:
- Heavy Water Lattice Data, also from NEACRP. (EACRP-L-42) European American
Committee on Reactor Physics. (1958-63) (PDF and EXCEL Sheets for each table)
- Andrej Trkov, Francisco Leszczynski, Daniel Lopez Aldama: WIMS-D Library
Update, IAEA, Vienna 2007
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11. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS:  Requires Microsoft Word and Acrobat Reader.
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No specified programming language
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Different contributions provided by EACRP members:
E. Critoph, M. Kuechle,  J.L. Crandall, H. Neltrup,  P.L. Oelgaard, H. Ager-Hansson, D.A. Newmarch, R.E. Green, H. Maerkl, C.B. Bigham,  A. Okazaki, J. Hilborn, B.I. Spinrad,  R.W. Meier

Reviewed, revisited by
Tomaz Zagar
Reactor Physics Department
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
1000 Ljubljana

Coordinated by
E. Sartori
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- readme.txt  description of content  and instructions
- Tomaz Zagar: QA Report "EACRP-L-42 Heavy Water Lattice Data in Two Volumes",
September, 2006
- /EACRP-L-42/ directory
- HWL-OVERVIEW.xls with hyperlink to all files in directory /EACRP-L-42/
- EACRP-L-42.pdf
- 358 MS Excel files original data from the HWL benchmarks
- /WIMSinput/ subdirectories with data files for modeled benchmark cases.
- /References/ subdirectory with scanned original references about DIMPLE SGHW
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  • S. Legacy books-Proceedings
  • Y. Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks

Keywords: MOX, experiment, heavy water reactor, reactor physics, thermal reactors.