Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks and Safety Joint Projects
NEA-1921 IFPE/IFA-650.9-10-11
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NEA-1921 IFPE/IFA-650.9-10-11

IFPE/IFA-650.9-10-11, LOCA testing at Halden, IFA-650 series

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Program name Package id Status Status date
IFPE/IFA-650.9-10-11 NEA-1921/01 Arrived 08-APR-2024

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
NEA-1921/01 Many Computers
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Moves to high burnup fuel design and introduction of new cladding materials have generated a need to re-examine and verify the validity of the safety criteria for Loss of Coolant Accidents (LOCA). LOCA tests at Halden are integral in-pile, single rod tests and they address various LOCA issues.



The test conditions were planned to meet the following primary objectives:

- to maximise the ballooning size to promote fuel relocation and to evaluate its possible effect on the cladding temperature and oxidation.

- to investigate the extent (if any) of - "secondary transient hydriding" - on the inner side of the cladding around the burst region.


The LOCA run in IFA-650.9 was carried out in April 2009. The tests address the LOCA performance of high burnup fuel irradiated in commercial nuclear power stations, showing considerable ballooning, fuel fragmentation and relocation when subjected to LOCA. Due to fuel relocation, the temperature measured with the lower cladding thermocouple approached 1200°C, and the test was terminated to avoid even higher temperatures. Cladding failure occurred at about 800°C, 130 seconds after the start of blow-down. A special feature of this experiment is the strong fuel fragmentation, relocation and dispersal.



The test was carried out using low fission power (2.5 kW/m) to achieve the desired conditions for high temperature, ballooning and oxidation. A heater surrounding the rod and operating at 1.2 kW/m was used for simulating the heat from adjacent rods.


The LOCA run in IFA-650.10 was carried out in May 2010 using a high burn-up PWR rod provided by EDF (56 MWd/kgU). The target peak cladding temperature was 850°C, and the hold time was ~169 seconds (from burst to scram). Rod overpressure at hot conditions was ~70 bar. Cladding failure occurred ~249 seconds after blow-down at ~755°C. The average cladding temperature increase rate during the heat -up was around 8°C/s. The results from the in-pile measurements and the gamma scanning indicate modest deformations and negligible fuel relocation.



The test was carried out using low fission power (2.4 kW/m) to achieve the desired conditions for high temperature, ballooning and oxidation. A heater surrounding the rod and operating at 1.6 kW/m was used for simulating the heat from adjacent rods.


The LOCA run in IFA-650.11 was carried out in November 2010 using a high burn-up VVER rod manufactured by JSC TVEL and supplied by Fortum Nuclear Service (51 MWd/kgU). The target peak cladding temperature was 1000°C, and the hold time was ~204 seconds (from burst to scram). Rod overpressure at hot conditions was ~55.7 bar. Cladding failure occurred ~207 seconds after blow-down at ~839°C. The results from the in-pile measurements and the gamma scanning indicate the fragmentation pattern together with a small burst opening (of about 3 mm long and max. 1 mm wide), which supported the fact that no fuel was detected at the bottom of the pressure flask.


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Package ID Status date Status
NEA-1921/01 08-APR-2024 Masterfiled restricted
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NEA-1921/01, included references:
- Florian Bole du Chomont: LOCA Testing At Halden, The Ninth Experiment
IFA-650.9 (HWR-917, October 2009)
- Alexandre Lavoil: LOCA Testing At Halden, The Tenth Experiment IFA-650.10
(HWR-974, December 2010)
- Alexandre Lavoil: LOCA Testing At Halden, The VVER Fuel Experiment IFA-650.11
(HWR-976, December 2010)
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No specified programming language
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OECD Halden Reactor Project

Institutt for Energiteknikk

P.O. Box 173

1751 Halden



Compilation: M. Veshchunov (IAEA)


These data have been released within the IAEA Coordinated Research Project FUMAC: International Atomic Energy Agency, Fuel Modelling in Accident Conditions (FUMAC), IAEA-TECDOC-1889, IAEA, Vienna (2019).


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Figures in PNG format
650-9_LOCA_results.txt Test database, including a fast-scan recording (two per
second) and Test-Fuel-Data-Bank (TFDB) data
Data package.docx Format of the dataset
data_sheet_650-9.pdf Data Sheet/IFA-650.9 with Operational data,
Instrumentation and Test assembly data
In-core measurements
Irradiation_Halden.txt Pre-irradiation history at Halden reactor
Irradiation_NPP.txt Pre-irradiation history at NPP
PIE.docx PIE data
Pint+ECT.txt Data on evolution of inner gas pressure and clad elongation
Pre-characterization.docx Pre-characterization data (Rod characteristics)
Pre-irradiation history.docx Pre-irradiation history of the tested rod at the
NPP and conditioning irradiation at the test reactor
Profilometry.txt Post-test profilometry results
Cross_section_650-9.pdf Cross-section of pressure flask, heater and fuel rod
dump_tank.pdf Diagram of blow-down tank
Scheme_650-9.pdf Diagram of the pressure flask with fuel rod
Loop_13.pdf Diagram of the Heavy Water High Pressure loop, its components and
component names
Loop_13-Schematic.pdf Simplified diagram showing which parts are active
Loop_13_tube-length_and_elevation.pdf 3D diagram of tubes from in-core rig to
blow-down tank
Loop_13_tube-dimensions_1.pdf Outer diameter of tubes. Yellow (12 mm) has 9 mm
inner diameter
Loop_13_tube-dimensions_2.pdf Light brown (8 mm) has 6 mm inner diameter. The
in-core tube connection from the bottom of the flask to the top seal has inner
diameter 6 mm, tube length about 4 m.
Description_IFA_9.pdf Tables and Figures, test information
QA.doc QA report
Readme.txt Readme file
Summary_IFA 650_9.txt Text file giving a description of the test,
its objectives and main results, including information on test facility
and the conditions employed
Test description.docx File describing test rig, instrumentation and test
Figures in PNG format
Data package-10.docx Format of the dataset
data_sheet_650-10.pdf Data Sheet/IFA-650.10 with Operational data,
Instrumentation and Test assembly data
Data-650-10.txt Test database, including a fast-scan recording (two per second)
and Test-Fuel-Data-Bank (TFDB) data
In-core measurements_IFA-650.10
PIE_10.docx PIE data
Pint+ECT_10.txt Data on evolution of inner gas pressure and clad elongation
Pre-characterization_10.docx Pre-characterization data (Rod characteristics)
Pre-irradiation history_10.docx Pre-irradiation history of the tested rod
at the NPP and conditioning irradiation in the test reactor
Profilometry_10.txt Post-test profilometry results
Test description_IFA-10.docx Test rig, instrumentation and test scenario
Cross_section_650-10.pdf Cross-section of pressure flask, heater and fuel rod
dump_tank.pdf Diagram of blow-down tank
Scheme_650-10.pdf Diagram of the pressure flask with fuel rod
Loop_13.pdf Diagram of the Heavy Water High Pressure loop, its components and
component names
Loop_13-Schematic.pdf Simplified diagram showing which parts are active
Loop_13_tube-length_and_elevation.pdf 3D diagram of tubes from in-core rig to
blow-down tank
Loop_13_tube-dimensions_1.pdf Outer diameter of tubes. Yellow (12 mm) has 9 mm
inner diameter
Loop_13_tube-dimensions_2.pdf Light brown (8 mm) has 6 mm inner diameter. The
in-core tube connection from the bottom of the flask to the top seal has inner
diameter 6 mm, tube length about 4 m.
Description_IFA_650_10.pdf Tables and Figures, test information
IFA-650_10 pre-test data.pdf Description of the UO2 fuel segment from Rod F08
irradiated in Gravelines 5
QA_10.doc QA report
Readme-10.txt Readme file
Summary_IFA 650_10.txt Text file giving a description of the test, its
objectives and main results, including information on test facility and the
conditions employed
Figures in PNG format
Data package-11.docx Format of the dataset
data_sheet_650-11.pdf Data Sheet/IFA-650.11 with Operational data,
Instrumentation and Test assembly data
Data-650-11.txt Test database, including a fast-scan recording (two per second)
and Test-Fuel-Data-Bank (TFDB) data
In-core measurements_IFA-650.11
Irradiation_NPP_11.txt Pre-irradiation history at NPP
Irradiation_Halden_11.txt Pre-irradiation history at Halden reactor
PIE_11.docx PIE data
Pint+ECT_11.txt Data on evolution of inner gas pressure and clad elongation
Pre-characterization_11.docx Pre-characterization data (Rod characteristics)
Pre-irradiation history_11.docx Pre-irradiation history of the tested rod
at the NPP and conditioning irradiation in the test reactor
Profilometry_11.txt Post-test profilometry results
Test description_IFA-11.docx Test rig, instrumentation and test scenario
cross_section_650-11.pdf Cross-section of pressure flask, heater and fuel rod
dump_tank.pdf Diagram of blow-down tank
Loop_13.pdf Diagram of the Heavy Water High Pressure loop, its components and
component names
Loop_13-Schematic.pdf Simplified diagram showing which parts are active
Loop_13_tube-length_and_elevation.pdf 3D diagram of tubes from in-core rig to
blow-down tank
Loop_13_tube-dimensions_1.pdf Outer diameter of tubes. Yellow (12 mm) has 9 mm
inner diameter.
Loop_13_tube-dimensions_2.pdf Light brown (8 mm) has 6 mm inner diameter. The
in-core tube connection from the bottom of the flask to the top seal has inner
diameter 6 mm, tube length about 4 m.
Scheme_650-11.pdf Diagram of the pressure flask with fuel rod
Description_IFA_650_11.pdf Tables and Figures, test information
IFA-650_10 pre-test data.pdf Description of the UO2 fuel segment from Rod F08
irradiated in Gravelines 5
QA_11.doc QA report
Readme-11.txt Readme file
Summary_IFA 650_11.txt Text file giving a description of the test, its
objectives and main results, including information on test facility and the
conditions employed
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  • Y. Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks

Keywords: cladding, experimental data, fuels, loss-of-coolant accident, thermal.