ZZ-SCALE5.1/COVA-44G is a 44-group cross section covariance matrix library retrieved from the SCALE-5.1 package.
The package includes the following 4 covariance libraries in COVERX format:
- 44GROUPV5COV, Basic ENDF/B-V Covariance Library
- 44GROUPV5REC, Recommended ENDF/B-V Covariance Library
- 44GROUPV6COV, Basic ENDF/B-VI Covariance Library
- 44GROUPV6REC, Recommended ENDF/B-VI Covariance Library
The files contain the covariance data for the following reactions or parameters: total, elastic, inelastic, (n,2n), fission, chi, (n,gamma), (n,p), (n,d), (n,t), (n,3He), (n,alpha), and nu-bar.
The nuclides or materials (in ZA order) for which covariance data are provided. In parentheses the total number of the different relative covariance matrices in the four libraries for each nuclide is specified.
H-1(10),H-2(3),H-3(2),He-3(2),He-4,Li-6(2),Li-7(3),Be-9(2), B-10(3),B-11(2),C-0(6),N-14(2),N-15,O-16(3),O-17,F-19(3), Na-23(3),Mg-0,Al-27(2),Si-0(3),Si-28,Si-29,Si-29,Si-30, P-31,S-0,S-32,Cl-0,K-0,Ca-0,Sc-45(2),Ti-0, V-0(2),Cr-0(2),Cr-50,Cr-52,Cr-53,Cr-54,Mn-55(3),Fe-0(2), Fe-54,Fe-56,Fe-57,Fe-58,Co-59(3),Ni-0(2),Ni-58,Ni-60, Ni-61,Ni-62,Ni-64,Cu-0,Cu-63,Cu-65,Ga-0,Ge-72, Ge-73,Ge-74,Ge-76,As-75,Se-74,Se-76,Se-77,Se-78, Se-80,Se-82,Br-79,Br-81,Kr-78,Kr-80,Kr-82,Kr-83, Kr-84,Kr-85,Kr-86,Rb-85,Rb-87,Sr-84,Sr-86,Sr-87, Sr-88,Sr-89,Sr-90,Y-89,Y-89,Y-90,Y-91,Zr-0, Zr-90,Zr-91,Zr-92,Zr-93,Zr-94,Zr-96,Nb-93,Nb-93, Nb-94,Nb-95,Mo-0,Mo-94,Mo-95,Mo-96,Mo-97,Tc-99, Ru-96,Ru-99,Ru-100,Ru-101,Ru-102,Ru-104,Ru-105,Ru-106, Rh-103,Rh-105,Pd-102,Pd-104,Pd-105,Pd-106,Pd-107,Pd-108, Pd-110,Ag-107,Ag-109,Ag-111,Cd-0,Cd-106,Cd-108,Cd-110, Cd-111,Cd-112,Cd-113,Cd-114,Cd-116,In-0,In-113,In-115, Sn-112,Sn-114,Sn-115,Sn-116,Sn-117,Sn-118,Sn-119,Sn-120, Sn-122,Sn-124,Sb-121,Sb-123,Sb-124,Te-120,Te-122,Te-123, Te-124,Te-125,Te-126,Te-127(m),Te-128,Te-130,I-127,I-129, I-130,I-131,Xe-124,Xe-126,Xe-128,Xe-129,Xe-130,Xe-131, Xe-132,Xe-133,Xe-134,Xe-135,Xe-136,Cs-133,Cs-134,Cs-135, Cs-137,Ba-134,Ba-135,Ba-136,Ba-137,Ba-138,Ba-140,La-139, La-140,Ce-140,Ce-141,Ce-142,Ce-143,Ce-144,Pr-141,Pr-142, Pr-143,Nd-142,Nd-143,Nd-144,Nd-145,Nd-146,Nd-147,Nd-148, Nd-150,Pm-147,Pm-148,Pm-148(m),Pm-149,Sm-144,Sm-147,Sm-148, Sm-149,Sm-150,Sm-151,Sm-152,Sm-153,Sm-154,Eu-151,Eu-152, Eu-153,Eu-154,Eu-155,Gd-152,Gd-154,Gd-155,Gd-156,Gd-157, Gd-158,Gd-160,Tb-159,Tb-160,Dy-160,Dy-161,Dy-162,Dy-163, Dy-164,Ho-165,Er-166,Er-167,Lu-175,Lu-176,Hf-0,Hf-174, Hf-176,Hf-177,Hf-178,Hf-179,Hf-180,Ta-181,Ta-182,W-0, W-182,W-183,W-184,W-186,Re-185(2),Re-187(2),Au-197(3),Pb-0(2), Pb-206,Pb-207,Pb-208,Bi-209(2),Th-230,Th-232(4),Pa-231,Pa-233(3), U-232,U-233,U-234,U-235,U-235(6),U-236,U-237,U-238(4), Np-237(2),Pu-238(7),Pu-239(9),Pu-240(10),Pu-241(11),Pu-242(3),Pu-243, Pu-244,Am-241(4),Am-242,Am-242(m),Am-243,Cm-242,Cm-243,Cm-244, Cm-245,Cm-246,Cm-247,Cm-248,Bk-249,Cf-249,Cf-250,Cf-251, Cf-252(3),Cf-253,Es-253.
ZZ-SCALE6/COVA-44G is a 44-group cross section covariance matrix library retrieved from the SCALE-6 package. The package includes the covariance library 44GRPCOV in COVERX format.
The SCALE covariance library is based on several different uncertainty approximations with varying degrees of "fidelity" to the actual nuclear data evaluation. The library includes evaluated covariances obtained from ENDF/B-VII, ENDF/B-VI, and JENDL3.3 for more than 50 materials. It is assumed that covariances taken from one data evaluation such as ENDF/B-VI or JENDL-3.3, can also be applied to other evaluations of the same data, such as ENDF/B-VII. If this is done judiciously for cases in which the nuclear data evaluations are similar, then the covariances taken from one source should be a reasonable representation of uncertainties for the other evaluations.
Among the materials in the SCALE library with covariances taken from high-fidelity nuclear data evaluations are the following:
(a) ENDF/B-VII evaluations (includes both VII.0 and pre-release covariances proposed for VII.1): Au, Bi-209, Co-59, Gd-152, Gd-154, Gd-155, Gd-156, I-191, I-193, Li-7, Na-23, Nb-93, Ni-58, Tc-99, Th-232, Ti-48, Pu-239, U-233, U-235, U-238, V
(b) ENDF/B-VI evaluations: Al, Am-241, B-10, C-12, Cr-50, Cr-52, Cr-53, Cr-54, Cu-63, Cu-65, Fe-54, Fe-56, Fe-57, In, Mn-55, Ni-60, Ni-61, Ni-62, Ni-64, Pb-206, Pb-207, Pb-208, Pu-242, Si-28, Si-29
(c) JENDL-3.3 evaluations: B-11, H-1, O-16, Pu-240, Pu-241
At the other end of the spectrum from high fidelity data, "low-fidelity" (lo-fi) covariances (BLO data) are defined to be those that are estimated independently of a specific data evaluation. The approximate covariance data in SCALE are based on results from a collaborative project funded by the Department of Energy Nuclear Criticality Safety Program to generate lo-fi covariances over the energy range from 10-5 eV to 20 MeV for materials without covariances in ENDF/B-VII.0. Nuclear data experts at BNL, LANL, and ORNL devised simple procedures to estimate data uncertainties in the absence of high fidelity covariance evaluations. The result of this project is a set of covariance data in ENDF/B file 33 format that can be processed into multigroup covariances.
Summary of changes made to SCALE-6 covariance evaluations:
U-235. . . . . . . . .Thermal nubar modified to JENDL-3.3 value
U-233. . . . . . . . .Thermal nubar modified to value from ORNL ISOTEC evaluation
Am-241. . . . . . . . .Added thermal uncertainties to total cross section (set equal to capture uncertainties)
Si-28, Si-29, Si-30, Pb-206, Fe-57. . . In elastic scatter uncertainty, corrected cross reference to MT=102 from original value of MT=1.02
Pb-207, Pb-208. . . . .Removed MT=3 due to inconsistency with other MT values resulting in very large uncertainty predictions
Several modifications were also made to the uncertainties obtained from the BLO data. The energy boundary between the thermal and resonance covariance blocks was modified from 0.5 Ev to 0.625 Ev in order to coincide with a 44-group boundary.
The files contain the covariance data for the following reactions or parameters: total, elastic, inelastic, (n,2n), fission, chi, (n,gamma), (n,p), (n,d), (n,t), (n,3He), (n,alpha), and nu-bar.
The nuclides or materials (in ZA order) for which covariance data are provided:
H-1, H-ZrH, H-poly, H-freegas, H-2, H2-freegas, H-3, He-3, He-4, Li-6, Li-7, Be-7, Be-9, Be-bound, B-10, B-11, C-0, C-graphite, N-14, N-15, O-16, O-17, F-19, Na-23, Mg-0, Mg-24, Mg-25, Mg-26, Al-27, Si-0, Si-28, Si-29, Si-30, P-31, S-0, S-32, S-34, S-36, Cl-0, Cl-35, Cl-37, Ar-36, Ar-38, Ar-40, K-0, K-39, K-40, K-41, Ca-0, Ca-40, Ca-42, Ca-43, Ca-44, Ca-46, Ca-48, Sc-45, Ti-0, Ti-46, Ti-47, Ti-48, Ti-49, Ti-50, V-0, Cr-50, Cr-52, Cr-53, Cr-54, Mn-55, Fe-0, Fe-54, Fe-56, Fe-57, Fe-58, Co-58, Co-58(m), Co-59, Ni-58, Ni-59, Ni-60, Ni-61, Ni-62, Ni-64, Cu-63, Cu-65, Ga-0, Ga-69, Ga-71, Ge-70, Ge-72, Ge-73, Ge-74, Ge-76, As-74, As-75, Se-74, Se-76, Se-77, Se-78, Se-79. Se-80, Se-82, Br-79, Br-81, Kr-78, Kr-80, Kr-82, Kr-83, Kr-84, Kr-85, Kr-86, Rb-85, Rb-86, Rb-87, Sr-84, Sr-86, Sr-87, Sr-88, Sr-89, Sr-90, Y-89, Y-89, Y-90, Y-91, Zr-0, Zr-90, Zr-91, Zr-92, Zr-93, Zr-94, Zr-95, Zr-96, Nb-93, Nb-94, Nb-95, Mo-0, Mo-92, Mo-94, Mo-95, Mo-96, Mo-97, Mo-98, Mo-99, Mo-100, Tc-99, Ru-96, Ru-98, Ru-99, Ru-100, Ru-101, Ru-102, Ru-103, Ru-104, Ru-105, Ru-106, Rh-103, Rh-105, Pd-102, Pd-104, Pd-105, Pd-106, Pd-107, Pd-108, Pd-110, Ag-107, Ag-109, Ag-111, Cd-0, Cd-106, Cd-108, Cd-110, Cd-111, Cd-112, Cd-113, Cd-114, Cd-115(m), Cd-116, In-0, In-113, In-115, Sn-112, Sn-113, Sn-114, Sn-115, Sn-116, Sn-117, Sn-118, Sn-119, Sn-120, Sn-122, Sn-123, Sn-124, Sn-125, Sb-121, Sb-123, Sb-124, Sb-125, Sb-126, Te-120, Te-122, Te-123, Te-124, Te-125, Te-126, Te-127(m), Te-128, Te-129(m), Te-130, I-127, I-129, I-130, I-131, I-135, Xe-123, Xe-124, Xe-126, Xe-128, Xe-129, Xe-130, Xe-131, Xe-132, Xe-133, Xe-134, Xe-135, Xe-136, Cs-133, Cs-134, Cs-135, Cs-136, Cs-137, Ba-130, Ba-132, Ba-133, Ba-135, Ba-136, Ba-137, Ba-138, Ba-140, La-138, La-139, La-140, Ce-136, Ce-138, Ce-139, Ce-140, Ce-141, Ce-142, Ce-143, Ce-144, Pr-141, Pr-142, Pr-143, Nd-142, Nd-143, Nd-144, Nd-145, Nd-146, Nd-147, Nd-148, Nd-150, Pm-147, Pm-148, Pm-148(m), Pm-149, Pm-151, Sm-144, Sm-147, Sm-148, Sm-149, Sm-150, Sm-151, Sm-152, Sm-153, Sm-154, Eu-151, Eu-152, Eu-153, Eu-154, Eu-155, Eu-156, Eu-157, Gd-152, Gd-153, Gd-154, Gd-155, Gd-156, Gd-157, Gd-158, Gd-160, Tb-159, Tb-160, Dy-156, Dy-158, Dy-160, Dy-161, Dy-162, Dy-163, Dy-164, Ho-165, Er-162, Er-164, Er-166, Er-167, Er-168, Er-170, Lu-175, Lu-176, Hf-0, Hf-174, Hf-176, Hf-177, Hf-178, Hf-179, Hf-180, Ta-181, Ta-182, W-0, W-182, W-183, W-184, W-186, Re-185, Re-187, Ir-191, Ir-193, Au-197, Hg-196, Hg-198, Hg-199, Hg-200, Hg-201, Hg-202, Hg-204, Pb-204, Pb-206, Pb-207, Pb-208, Bi-209, Ac-225, Ac-226, Ac-227, Th-227, Th-228, Th-229, Th-230, Th-232, Th-233, Th-234, Pa-231, Pa-232, Pa-233, U-232, U-233, U-234, U-235, U-235, U-236, U-237, U-238, U-239, U-240, U-241, Np-235, Np-236, Np-237, Np-238, Pu-236, Pu-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240, Pu-241, Pu-242, Pu-243, Pu-244, Pu-246, Am-241, Am-242, Am-242(m), Am-243, Am-244, Cm-241, Cm-242, Cm-243, Cm-244, Cm-245, Cm-246, Cm-247, Cm-248, Cm-249, Cm-250, Bk-249, Bk-250, Cf-249, Cf-250, Cf-251, Cf-252, Cf-253, Cf-254, Es-253, Es-254, Es-255, Fm-255
The following problems were corrected in version USCD-1236/03:
1. Pu-239 nu-bar correlation coefficients exceeding unity
2. Material reaction (MTS) order was modified for the following materials: H-1, H-2, H-3, He-3, He-4, O-16, Gd-152, Gd-153, Gd-154, Gd-155, Gd-156, Gd-157, Gd-158, Gd-160, U-235, U-238
This allows taking into account the cross-correlation between reactions in the conversion from the COVERX to COVFILS format using the ANGELO-2 code.