11-FEB-25 | NEA-1932 | SINBAD DATABASE, Shielding Integral Benchmark Archive and Database (SINBAD), Version 1 Volumes 1 and 2. (Arrived) |
11-FEB-25 | USCD1246 | C5G7-TD DATA ARCHIVE, Deterministic Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Benchmark without Spatial Homogenisation (Arrived) |
12-NOV-24 | NEA-1486 | ICSBEP2022-2023-HB, International Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiment Handbook (Arrived) |
02-SEP-24 | NEA-1714 | IRPhE/STEK, Reactor Physics Experiments from Fast-Thermal Coupled Facility (Arrived) |
26-JUL-24 | NEA-1933 | Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC2023), 1-6 Oct. 2023, Sendai (Report) |
14-JUN-24 | NEA-1765 | IRPHE2022/23-HANDBOOK, International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments (Arrived) |
08-APR-24 | NEA-1664 | IFPE DATABASE, International Fuel Performance Experiments Database (Arrived) |
08-APR-24 | NEA-1921 | IFPE/IFA-650.9-10-11, LOCA testing at Halden, IFA-650 series (Arrived) |